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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />OCTOBER 21, 1986 <br />Acting -Mayor Arlyn Christ called the City Council meeting to order <br />at 7:06 p.m. in the City Council chambers. Present: Christ, <br />Armstrong, Dunn, Mazzara, City Engineer Bohrer and City <br />Administrator Overby. Absent: Morgan <br />1. Agenda. <br />Add: 3A. Charitable Gambling -Guardian Angels Mens Club <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to approve the Agenda for the October 21, <br />1986 City Council meeting as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes: October 7, 1986 <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to approve the October 7, 1986 City Council <br />minutes as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to approve the October 21, 1986 claims <br />#87874 thru #87927 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />A. Charitable Gambling - Guardian Angels Mens Club <br />Mike Knutson, Guardian Angels, requested a waiver of the 30-day <br />review period for a charitable gambling permit in regard to their <br />November 16th Bingo event. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to approve a waiver of the 30-day review <br />period for a charitable gambling permit for Bingo November 16th, <br />1986. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. Public Inquiries <br />Ed Gorman, owner of the White Hat restaurant, asked in regard to <br />the proposed collective system for his property how many gallons <br />of water per year will go into that piece of ground. Bohrer <br />answered that the design basis is about 4,331E gallons per day. <br />This is based on the City code, which provides a design flow`for <br />houses and based on estimates for the non-residential users, <br />primarily the restaurant business. This was based on looking back <br />over the water usage over a number of years. For example, a house <br />and two duplexes, which will be considered residential properties. <br />The City codes provides that the design flow for a 1 and 2-bedroom <br />house is 450 gallons per day. A duplex which would have 2, 1 or <br />2-bedroom units, estimated at 900 gallons per day. This is in <br />excess of what studies show the actual usage is. There is some <br />reserve capacity built in, but not for the purpose of adding more <br />people or houses. It is a reserve factor of safety. <br />