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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />Mr. Gorman asked: "If the system goes in as proposed and our <br />system fails, is the City accepting responsibility for that <br />failure?" Bohrer responded that the systems are designed to allow <br />water to soak into the soil. This is where the treatment occurs. <br />We are providing more area for the water to soak in, but not <br />changing the boundaries. They have done that by a change in the <br />type of system. <br />Councilman Christ stated as far as sites that fail in the future, <br />unless the MPCA has additional State and Federal funds to provide <br />additional grants, it would be the responsibility of the <br />individual to upgrade at their expense. The City is not incurring <br />any cost on the upgrade of these systems. This is being handled <br />through assessments to property owners and grant fundings through <br />state and federal governments. The City is only assisting in <br />providing those folks the ability to get some upgrade and Christ <br />sees no responsibility beyond that. He added, there have been <br />3-phases-at-we gave people the opportunity to get on the 201 <br />system. If they didn't, they expected their systems to last or <br />they felt it would be more benefical to them to upgrade at their <br />own expense. (Amended 11-5-86 where) <br />Referring to Dan Collyard's home on Legion Avenue, Mr. Gorman <br />asked: "how can you direct federal and state money to hook up a <br />system that you cannot live in?" Christ explained thst there were <br />a number of things that the Collyards could have elected to do <br />towards a solution. If the house is moved or abandoned, it can be <br />deleted from the system. Bohrer added that realistically speaking <br />we would cut down the number of treatment trenches that we would <br />build on the Herzfeld property, but it would not change the <br />boundary. On the Herzfeld property the access is more difficult <br />because of the terrain. So in this particular case we are <br />purchasing slightly more than might be needed for treatment <br />purposes from Herzfeld simply because we have to get access. <br />5. Meet with Water Safety Committee Members <br />The following persons were selected to serve on a newly formed <br />Water Safety Committee to study water safety problems on Lake Elmo <br />and report back to the City Council in the Spring of 1987. <br />Commmittee Members: <br />1. David Gear, 2813 Lake ELmo Avenue N. <br />2. Carol Kelm, 10975 32nd Street N. <br />3. Pat Hagberg, 2976 Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />4. Jim Schaefer, 2986 Lake Elmo Avenue No. <br />5. Tom or Jean Scheuerman, 3077 Klondike <br />6. Gary Horning, 2586 Oakgreen Avenue, West Lakeland <br />7. Don Moe, 61 Cimarron (replacing Emma Smith) <br />The committee was given the following charge: <br />1. Identify the problems, concerns, and potential or real <br />