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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />Acting -Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:50 P.M. <br />N/S/P Armstrong/Mazzara - to approve a variance for setback from <br />Ordinary High Water Mark to allow a deck extension for Wyn John at <br />8883 Jane Road. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. 201 Program <br />1. Partial Payment to Widmer, Inc. <br />City Engineer Bohrer presented estimate number 1 for work done by <br />Widmer Inc., as of 10-9-86. The work includes the following <br />expenditures under Parts A-B-C. <br />Subpart A: $43,632.00 <br />B: 46,942.57 <br />C: 0.00 <br />Materials: 25,550.00 <br />TOTAL $11 ,12 .57 <br />The total cost of work completed is reduced by a normal retention <br />of 10 percent (11,612.46). Therefore, City Engineer Bohrer <br />recommends the payment amount to be approved at this time is <br />$104,512.11. The City will make a drawdown on the County 201 Bond <br />Account to pay the contractor and then a payment request to the <br />MPCA will be submitted and the grant will reimburse the City. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to approve the payment of $104,512.11 to <br />Widmer, Inc. for work done on subparts A-B-C of the 201 Program. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Change Order for Landscaping Work <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that all lawns disturbed by the <br />septic system installations were planned to be restored with blue <br />grass sod. The landscaper, Mobgren Bros. Landscaping, has advised <br />TKDA that some of the yards are so heavily wooded that bluegrass <br />sod will not flourish. Bluegrass needs at least 50% sun to do <br />well. The landscaper recommends restoring these areas with fescue <br />grass. This can be done by seeding or sodding. <br />The purpose for the proposed change order is to establish unit <br />prices per square yard for fescue seeding with mulch or fescue <br />sod. Each lawn will be evaluated individually for the need for <br />fescue grass. These three change orders do not increase or <br />decrease the contract cost, but merely establish new unit prices <br />for this work. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to approve change orders A-2, B-1, C-1 for <br />landscaping work of the Wastewater Facilities Improvements as <br />recommended by City Engineer Bohrer. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />