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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />3. Final Payment to Lee's Construction Co. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the emergency septic tanks <br />(holding tanks) were completed at the Marcellus, Evanoff, and Paul <br />residents in January of 1986. At completion, the contractor, <br />Lee's Construction Company, was paid -except that $200 was <br />retained to insure cleanup (one of the trees might have been <br />damaged) and leak tightness. <br />City Engnneer Bohrer reported that the cleanup was done and the <br />tanks remain leak tight. Therefore, he recommends the project be <br />accepted and final payment issued. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Christ - to accept the work done by Lee's <br />Construction Company as recommended by the City Engineer. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Christ - to approve final payment to Lee's <br />Construction Company in the amount of $200.00 as recommended by <br />the City Engineer. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Schedule for Upcoming Meetings, Public Hearings <br />1. Becasue the first Council meeting in November falls on General <br />Election day (November 4th), The City, Council will meet on <br />Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00 p.m. <br />2. Public hearings for the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning <br />Ordinance Amendments will be held at the regular Planning <br />Commission meeting of November loth and Wednesday, November 12th <br />for the Public Hearing by the City Council. <br />City Administrator Overby explained the advantage of this <br />schedule, which sets up a special meeting for the City Council to <br />handle the public hearing rather than taking up time at the <br />regular meeting on the 18th. A second benefit is that staff will <br />have a few days to make any changes in the plan or zoning drafts <br />before the City Council formally adopts the two documents on <br />November 18th. If this timeline is followed, then there should be <br />enough time to get a summary of the revised plan and ordinances to <br />the newspaper for publication on November 26th before the <br />moratorium ends on December 2nd. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to direct the City Administrator to proceed <br />with the public hearing schedule of Monday, November loth and <br />Wednesday, November 12th for the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning <br />Ordinance Amendments. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. It appears that both December (12-6 and 12-16) City Council <br />meetings will be needed in order to review applications for <br />rezoning and other issues that will be forthcoming. <br />4. It was decided to hold the Annual Potluck Dinner for <br />