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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 8 <br />the Rural Residential Zone -Steve Pott, 4212 Lake Elmo Ave. N. <br />Mayor Morgan opened up the public hearing at 9:06 in the City Council <br />chambers. <br />Steve Pott owns 17 acres and wishes to construct an accessory <br />structure in the Rural Residential zoning district. The proposed <br />building would be 3,168 sq.ft. in size, whereas the City ordinance <br />allows a maximum of 2,000 sq.ft. The proposed 500 sq.ft. lean -two <br />will be for storage of hay and the animals. <br />Rose Armstrong looked up the RR zoning code (301.070.D2) and found the <br />chart stated that in 5-10 acres a 1,000 sq.ft. accessory building is <br />allowed, 10+ acres 2,000 sq.ft. is allowed. She felt the intention of <br />the ordinance is if you have more than 10 acres in RR you could have a <br />building size according to the size of your lot. Armstrong suggested <br />that the Planning Commission put this on their work plan. <br />City Attorney Knaak stated that on 17 acres, Steve Pott would be <br />allowed 4 cow equivalents. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 9:12 p.m. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to grant a, variance for the size of an accessory <br />structure in the RR zone to Steve Pott at 4212 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />9• CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Interim Ordinance to Adopt 1986 Comprehensive Plan <br />Mayor. Morgan read into record letters received on the proposed <br />Comprehensive Plan from Dayton -Hudson Dev., J.R. Stockstead, Briggs <br />and Morgan and the Northland Company. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 07984 adopting an amended <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan for an Interim Six Month Period.. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />The purpose of the interim nature of this ordinance is to permit <br />required review and comment by other planning bodies as required by <br />law. <br />B. Approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendments & Rezonings <br />1. Deletion of mining as a conditional use in the Agricultural zoning <br />district: <br />The Planning Commission became aware of the interest by the Shi.ely <br />Company in possible purchase of a large tract of land owned by <br />Dayton -Hudson Corporation for use as a sand/gravel mining operation. <br />The Planning Commission decided that they did not want to allow any <br />more sand/gravel mining operations in Lake Elmo. Accordingly, they <br />recommended the deletion of mining as a conditional use in the Ag <br />zoning district. The existing mining operations (Hammes and Shafer) <br />