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11-18-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-18-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 7 <br />The DC Sales Company wishes to construct a 17,000 sq.ft. addition to <br />its building located at 9242 Hudson Boulevard. The addition will be <br />used as a warehouse for their retail/wholesale products. The site is <br />currently zoned Genera]. Business, and the owner has occupied the <br />building for several years along with two tenants, White Wolf Ski Shop <br />and BRS, Inc. The building addition will meet the expansion needs of <br />DC Sales and the White Wolf Company. <br />City Engineer Bohrer summarized the Variances. <br />1. Based on the floor space 51 parking spaces are required by code. <br />The request is 40. Bohrer had no trouble with the proposed 40 parking <br />spaces and felt DC Sales has shown there is a reserve for 48 more if <br />needed. <br />2. A 35' landscaped buffer strip is required when a GB zone abuts a <br />residential zone. This can be met on the east and north property <br />line. It cannot be met on the lower east side because of the proposed <br />in -out driveways. <br />3. Screening has not been shown on the site plan for the loading <br />docks along the west side. D.C. Sales stated that screening was not <br />planned up against the Lampert side because the loading docks will not <br />be visible, as the Lampert building will screen the loading docks. <br />4. Highway Overlay District does not permit painted block as an <br />allowable exterior finish. <br />5. The septic system for the existing building now will be ruined <br />with the new addition so a new system will have to be built. It is <br />difficult to size now because the area where the drainfield <br />will be in the rear and extensive grading will be going on so soil <br />tests cannot be taken. There is more than sufficient area for a <br />septic system. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 9:52 p.m. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to grant a variance for a 35' landscaping buffer <br />strip because D.C. Sales needs as much capacity for water retention as <br />possible and if the driveway was taken from the loading dock door on <br />the SE corner this would create a safety hardship. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - to grant a variance for screening based on the <br />Lampert building being right on the property line. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to grant a variance for painted block because <br />the existing building is already painted block. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D.C. Sales will furnish to the Building Inspector the cost estimate on <br />the landscaping based on the estimated construction cost. <br />8. PUBLIC HEARING : Variance to Size of Accessory Structure in <br />
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