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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />sound and found the surfacing has not had an overlay in nearly 30 <br />years. They would be looking at putting in a overlay before they turn <br />it back to the City which is stated in the resolution. The County <br />cannot turn back the roadway to the City until 2 years after <br />construction so the County may very well maintain that segment for a <br />period of two years. The requirement is two years to a township by <br />State law, but there is no requirement to a City. On the other hand <br />the City has to pass a resolution allowing them to change; whereas <br />the township doesn't need a resolution. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained that part of the definition of a <br />municipal state aid street is, which 20th St. is , it must begin and <br />end at another state aid road. Bohrer hoped that the connection <br />point, which is in West Lakeland Township and townships cannot have <br />state aid roads, could be within County right-of-way and techically <br />meet our criteria for a municipal state aid road. Bohrer felt that <br />this concern on municipal state aid designation has been adequately <br />answered. <br />Bohrer replied that the City and the township will have to get <br />together to decide who is going to maintain what portion of the road. <br />City Administrator Overby raised a concern on the wording of the <br />resolution. The working indicates that "Further Resolved... Lake Elmo <br />will assume jurisdiction over existing Manning Avenue and connections <br />within the corporate limits that is not designated as CSAH 15." <br />Initially, this would appear to mean that Lake Elmo would take over <br />jurisdiction of that portion of Manning Avenue that is located within <br />its corporate limits. However, the map indicated the connections that <br />are referenced by the wording in the resolution are actually both <br />located in West Lakeland Township. Overby felt if this is correct, <br />then the resolution would have to be amended to strike out the words <br />"and connections". Mr. Herold responded with the reason he just <br />didn't include the City because the majority of the realignment is <br />outside the City. Mr. Herold agreed with Bohrer to restate the last <br />sentence in the resolution to read "Lake Elmo will assume jurisdiction <br />over existing Manning Avenue within its corporate limits that is not <br />designated as C.S.A.H. 15• <br />The City Council felt that the concerns they had. have been met, but <br />wanted to be sure that the City does not give up any MSA capabilities <br />on 20th Street. Bohrer replied that if there is a drawback, the City <br />will end up with a 112 mile of road to maintain. <br />The City Council had no objections to the proposed resolution, but - <br />recommended that the City Attoney look over the resolution. City <br />Engineer Bohrer will meet with West Lakeland Township in the interim <br />to discuss the maintenance of the turned -back segments of Manning <br />Avenue. <br />B. Re -opening of 15th Street <br />Ross and Lillian Henderson have purchased 58 acres of property on the <br />southside of 15th Street, located east of the barricade. They intend <br />