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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />to construct a house on their property and have been issued a building <br />permit to allow the construction work. <br />In order for the Hendersons to build their house, they want the City <br />to remove the street barricade. They indicated that they feel the <br />condition of 15th Street is adequate for the time being and are not <br />asking for any improvements to the road at this time. The City <br />Maintenance Department installed a traffic barrier and cul-de-sac on <br />15th Street this summer in order to keep traffic and parties out of <br />the end of the street, next to the County Park. <br />The City Maintenance Foreman believes that the road will have to be <br />improved with gravel and ditch -culvert work if it is going to be <br />maintained properly. The estimated total cost of barricade removal <br />and Improvements to the 700 feet of roadway to be approximately <br />$3,400. <br />City Administrator Overby explained that they only had one contractor <br />that did an estimate on this which was $3,371. If they just did the <br />barricade work and ditch filled in behind the barricade, some <br />compacting and gravel, the Maintnenace Foeman estimated approximately <br />$420 for this minimum work. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to remove the barricade on l5t-h Street and <br />approve the minimum fill and compacting ditch work. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />City Administrator Overby will check with the contractor to see how <br />soon this work can be done. <br />C. High Water on 32nd St. <br />Edna Rubbert, resident on 32nd Street, has asked what the City intends <br />to do to solve the high water problem at the end of 32nd Street- where <br />her house is located. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the pond at the east end of 32nd <br />Street has been plagued by high water for some time. The pond has <br />equalized with the Reid Park Pond for over one year. The rising water <br />level has covered the east end of 32nd Street and covered a portion of <br />Edna Rubbert's driveway at 11328-32nd Street. The Maintenance <br />Department has raised the roadway a few times in the past. <br />The present situation is that there is again about 2-3 feet of water <br />over the low end of the Rubbert driveway. There is no other access to <br />the garage and Mrs. Rubbert has been parking on the street for some <br />time. It would take about $500 worth of fill to raise the driveway <br />and roadway and one day of loader and operator time to place the fill. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to approve the filling and diking work in the <br />amount of up to $500 as recommended by the City Enginner for Mrs. Edna <br />Rubbrt at 11328 32nd St. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Final Payment #1 to Tower Asphalt <br />