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12-02-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-02-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />City Administrator Overby reported that the residents had met with <br />the VBWD at their last meeting. Nels Nelson was said to have <br />indicated that a project could be designed to help that area. <br />However, Overby thought that the residents misunderstood the <br />managers' comments and bad the opinion that a project could be <br />started. Allen Dornfeld had told Overby that this could not <br />possibly happen since they need to be sure that the Project 1007 <br />system is working properly before additional flow is allowed into <br />that system. Dornfeld thought that 1 to 3 years might be needed <br />to prove that the system was working properly. <br />Rose Armstrong added that in the VBWD minutes it was stated that <br />their Engineer was to report water and basement levels in that <br />area back to the board. <br />The City Council suggested that the City Administrator contact the <br />person that requested this to be on the agenda and explain that <br />the City Council was unable to address their concerns since nobody <br />showed up for the meeting. <br />5. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Variance to Allow a Second <br />Accessory Structure in the R-1 District; Request to <br />Exceed. the Maximum Square Footage for Sideyard Setback -- <br />Russell Anderson, 3373 Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />Acting Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. in <br />the City Council Chambers. <br />Russell Anderson would like to build a new 30' by 32' (960 square <br />feet) garage in the R-1 zoning District. This building would <br />replace an existing second accessory structure (garage) that will <br />be removed. A one-story detached residential garage up to 1000 <br />sq.ft. is allowed under section 301.130 C. l.b. "Types of <br />Accessory Buildings". The proposed garage is just under the limit <br />at 960 sq.ft. <br />1. A variance to allow the second accessory structure (the <br />new garage) would be needed, as Section 301.130 C. 14 <br />"Number of Accessory Structures" indicates that only <br />one building is allowed. <br />2. A variance to exceed the maximum square footage for two <br />accessory buildings would be needed. The new garage and <br />the existing storage shed. have a total square footage of <br />1482, where the code allows up to 1000 total square footage. <br />3. A variance from the sideyard setback of 10 feet would be <br />needed to allow the new garage to be built in the location <br />indicated on the site plan. The plan indicates that the <br />garage would be approximately 6 feet from the side yard <br />property line. <br />Mr. Anderson stated he was not willing to take down the 18 x 29 <br />storage shed. He would like the larger building because he has <br />
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