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12-02-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-02-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />plans for retirement and needs the extra room for his hobbies. A <br />hardship given was the inability to use the current garage for <br />vehicle turnaround, but there was not a hardship given for the <br />size variance. If the garage was made smaller, it could meet the <br />sideyard setback. <br />City Attorney Knaak suggested amending the accessory building code <br />to allow it later. <br />Arlyn Christ closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />Because there was no hardship stated for the size of building, Mr. <br />Anderson stated he would come back with a revised plan before <br />Spring. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING: Request .for Variance to the Size of an <br />Accessory Structure in th RR District -- <br />Walter Goetschel, 11825 50th Street N. <br />Mr. Walter Goetschel wants to build an accessory structure to <br />serve as a machine shed to shelter farm equipment, lawn mowers, a <br />wood splitter, tractors and snow removal equipment. This type of <br />accessory structure is referred to in the City Code (Section <br />301.130 C.) as a "Detached Rural Storage Building". A building of <br />this type is allowed up to 1000 sq.ft. in size, if it is located <br />on a parcel less than 10 acres, which is the case here (5 acres). <br />Acting Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. in <br />the City Council. Chambers. <br />Mr. Goetschel was not sure if he would build this Winter. He could <br />not come up with a hardship for approval of the variance request. <br />Councilman Mazzara explained that the intent makes sense, but the <br />request is for a building three times larger than the code allows. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong suggested to Mr. Goetschel to see if he <br />could add on more acreage onto his .five acres. This would enable <br />him to build a larger building. <br />Will Turnbladh, neighbor, stated he had no objections to this <br />request. <br />Arlyn Christ closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. <br />Arlyn Christ suggested tha.t the Planning Commission consider the <br />code amendments to pro -rate accessory building size for over ten <br />acres. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to deny a request for a Variance to the <br />Size of an Accessory Structure in the RR District from Walter <br />Goetschel, 11825 50th St. N. based upon no hardship was <br />demonstrated. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The City Council suggested that Mr. Goetschel meet with the City <br />Administrator to go over other possible options. <br />
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