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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 6 <br />receiving VBWD approval. No variances from the Ci.ty's Shoreland <br />Regulations are required. <br />Bohrer recommended that a Shoreland Permit be granted to Tartan <br />Park for this work contingent upon Valley Branch Watershed <br />District approval. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to approve a Shoreland Permit for Tartan <br />Park and recommend that the DNR grant Tartan Park a permit to work <br />in protected waters as part of their storm sewer project; <br />contingent upon Valley Branch Watershed District approval. <br />(Motion carried 4--0). <br />E. Protected Waters Permit: Temporary Dewatering & Discharge <br />to Eagle Point Lake <br />The Valley Branch Watershed District is applying to the DNR for a <br />permit to remove surface and groundwater as they approach the <br />Tri-Lakes area from their present work area north of TH 5. <br />The permit would allow removal of this water as part of the <br />drainage project. The water would be stored behind the new Eagle <br />Point- Dam, presently under construction. They propose to store up <br />to 92 acre feet at the Eagle Point Dam, at an elevation of 896.5. <br />The stored water will be released when the outlet to the St. Croix <br />River is completed. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that this work is necessary for <br />construction and will not impact the downstream areas. Therefore, <br />he recommends the permit approval. <br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - to approve the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District request from the DNR for a Protected Waters Permit and <br />forward these comments to the DNR. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />A. Castle Design Appeal Results <br />City Attorney Knaak stated the appeal was heard in September and <br />the State Appeals Court rendered a verdict entirely in the City's <br />favor. Being that the City has prevailed on all the significant <br />issues, this opinion will have significant impact on Lake Elmo <br />law. Knaak stated that the substandard. lot size was a <br />self-created hardship which didn't warrant granting of the <br />variance. The owners knew they were buying a lot which didn't <br />conform to city code regarding lot size and sewer requirements. <br />Knaak thanked City Engineer Bohrer for his information, which was <br />an important factor in the court's opinion. Castle Design does <br />have thirty days in which to appeal. <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Application by Med Plus Transportation Services for a <br />scheduled advanced life support transportation service <br />license. <br />