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12-02-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-02-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />main concern is a turnaround in order to make it convenient for <br />Lake Elmo to maintain. The State Aid Engineer confirmed that this <br />extending of 20th Street meets the state aid criteria. Bohrer <br />recommended approval of the resolution, and at a later date the <br />city staff will work out a maintenance agreement with West <br />Lakeland Township and bring it back to the City Council. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to adopt Resolution 86-47 altering the <br />designation of County State Aid Highway No. 15 (C.S.A.H. 15) <br />within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Elmo and West <br />Lakeland Township, based. on the recommendations of the City <br />Engineer and City Attorney. (Motion carried 4•-0). <br />C. Resolution for MnDOT Project on TH 36 <br />MnDot is planning to replace the two old Soo Line Railroad bridges <br />over TH 36 in 1987. The rail line was abandoned and has now <br />become a DNR trail. The bridges are deteriorating and will be <br />replaced with a large (concrete) culvert structure to allow the <br />continued use of the trail. The work will be constructed one-half <br />at a time in order to maintain traffic. <br />The City's approval is required for any trunk highway work within <br />its corporate limits. MnDOT has asked that the City Council <br />approve the "Resolution for Layout Approval". <br />City Engineer Bohrer has reviewed the plans for the work and <br />recommends that the City Council approve the resolution. <br />M/S/P Mazzara./Dunn - to adopt Resolution 86-48 for Layout Approval <br />as requested by MnDOT and as recommended by the City Engineer. <br />(Motion carried, 4-0). <br />D. Shoreland Permit: Tartan Park <br />The VBWD project now under construction will lower, the level of <br />Horseshoe Lake and Tartan Park Ponds. Tartan Park would like to <br />reclaim portions of the golf course that have been unusable for <br />the last ten years due to high water. Two years ago, Tartan Park <br />was granted a permit and installed a large storm sewer to enclose <br />the flow between Elmo and Horseshoe Lake as it passes through the <br />park. They would like to expand on this project by installing a <br />new storm sewer between fairway #10 and #11 ponds where an open <br />channel now exists. They would also like to extend the east and <br />west ends of the 36" storm sewer which they installed in 1985 to <br />improve the 9th tee. They want to coordinate this work with the <br />VBWD project this winter while Horseshoe Lake is lowered for <br />construction. This work is within the Shoreland District and <br />Shoreland Regulations apply. <br />City Engineer Bohrer has reviewed the construction plans for the <br />work and it appears that the storm sewer is designed to convey the <br />100 year discharge from Lake Elmo, as it should be. Bohrer added, <br />that since the entire drainage system must function together as <br />one unit, the City's approval must be conditioned upon Tartan Park <br />
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