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01-20-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-87 CCM
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PAGE 14 <br />Resolution 87-17 granting Final Plat Approval for Olson Lake Addition to Ken <br />Sovereign at 4415 Olson Lake Trail <br />Resolution 87-19 authorizing the City of Lake Elmo to enter into an agency agreement <br />with the Minnesota Department of Transportation., <br />Resolution 87-18 opposing the proposed landfill in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve <br />------------------- <br />Amendments 2-3-87 <br />4, Planning Commission Appointments <br />Councilwoman Armstrong requested verbatin minutes,on the interview of applicant <br />Bruce Dunn. <br />Councillian Moe asked Bruce Dunn: "you have served on the City Council for four <br />years, are you familiar with the ordinances that govern the City?". Dunn responded: <br />"probably as well as anyone else who has been. on the Council,". Moe: "do you feel <br />that the ordinances should be enforced?'. Dunn: "sure they should be enforced. <br />Moe: "do you feel you ever violated any of these ordinances?". Dunn: "what did <br />you do, see my dog running loose at night --I don't know that I violated any of them", <br />Moe: "do we go by the -State Building code?". Dunn: "we have our own building code <br />whiFh follows the State code". Moe reads: "the Building Official is hereby <br />authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of the Minnesota State <br />Building Code, Now, does that not say that we follow the State Building Code':. <br />Moe added: "what I am getting at is did you ever violate any of these regulations?', <br />Moe stated: "we are going to appoint somebody to the Planning Commission who is <br />going to recananend the rules and regulations unbiasly for the City of Lake Elmo, <br />and he has to know the rules;". Graves interrupted: "I wonder if you would permit <br />me to interrupt your train of questionning and make a motion.". The following <br />motion was made: <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to appoint to the Lake Elmo Planning Commission Tom Simpson <br />as a Regular Member, Ed Stevens as First Alternate, and Rob Enes as Second Alternate. <br />(Motion 4-1 Armstrong) <br />D. Recognition of City Hall Volunteers <br />Mayor Christ asked that the minutes of the 1-20-87 meeting reflect. Grave's comments. <br />regarding the new city hall volunteers. <br />Graves stated: "I. recognize that there is a plan to put a plaque inside the <br />entrance to the city hall with the names of all the people who worked on the <br />city hall and I think it is a very good idea. I would like to recommend something <br />just a little beyond that." Christ: "I had no intention to list all names on the <br />plaque. It will be just a plaque acknowledging the volunteers.". Graves: "I hope <br />some kind of record has been kept as to who has worked on the City Hall, I suggest <br />some sort of thank you note --a little more than a note on #20 bond white paper.. <br />For instance, I have here several different color choices of what is called a <br />parchment bond and you can buy a ream of this at one paper supplier in town called <br />AnnWay. You can buy a ream of 500 sheets for $7.30. It would be nice printed <br />with their names of the individual. We can have 200 or however many and just <br />mail it out to the people --perhaps to bang in their rec room. But it is some <br />sort of a sign of appreciation and more than just a thank you note.". <br />Councilman Moe thought this was a capital idea, but Armstrong felt it was a cheap <br />way to acknowledge the volunteers. . <br />
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