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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 13 <br />the information of what the insurance does provide. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve payment of $5,261.50 for the <br />Public Officials Liability and Fire Company Errors & Omissions <br />Coverage of 1987, subject to the City Administrator looking into <br />reducing the payment by attempting to obtain the same deductible <br />clause as last year. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Recognition of City Hall Volunteers <br />Councilman Graves recognized that there is a plan to install a <br />plaque into the City Hall with the names of the volunteers who <br />have worked on City Hall. Graves suggested to show the City's <br />appreciation that a thank you certificate be sent to the <br />volunteers. These could be printed up with the name of the <br />individual on parchment bond paper and mailed out. <br />Mrs. Rob Enes spoke for her and her husband who have volunteered <br />many hours staining the woodwork. She felt the idea was nice, but <br />the building really was their thanks and they were so proud of the <br />fact that they worked on the City Hall. <br />Mayor Christ stated there would be a recommendation from this <br />Council to provide a recognition party for all the volunteers. At <br />that time there will be special presentations given out to those <br />individuals. <br />Councilman Graves and Moe felt that a party at City's expense <br />should have been brought up because they did not know a party was <br />being planned. Moe felt a party was a neat and terrific idea even <br />though he was never in favor of the building. <br />D. Update on Lake Jane <br />Councilman Johnson updated the Council that on January 8, 1987 the <br />DNR issued an order to the VBWD to turn off the Lake Jane pump <br />because they were in violation of the permit. The VBWD is trying <br />to work with the contractor to see if they can improve on the June <br />1st date for completion. r.an_.Ue. <br />don�_to_ fi nish_the clowns tre2ln _worker s_�oan_r�s _pass ibj-e-_frDx-a <br />manbale_that_E3Xists_in_xhe_Shafer_gravel_pi _so_+hat_water_non_he <br />-pumped_.3.nto_.that_]ocatj.nn- 'They are also investigating the <br />possibility of putting in a temporary pump on Sunfish Lake to pump <br />back into the City Park pond in an attempt to lower Sunfish Lake. <br />The Lake Jane Association took legal action and got a two week <br />restraining order. There will be a hearing on January 29th for a <br />more permanent injunction. <br />x' <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe to adjourn the City Council meeting at 11:05 P.M. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />(Amended 2-3-87 They are also looking into what can be done to finish the <br />downstream work as soon as possible so that water can be pumped into the <br />Shafer gravel pit.) <br />