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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />that do meet 1 1/2 acres. <br />Beth Burns, 1.1140 20th St. Court, stated that the Planning <br />Commission recommended against this. The newly created lot would <br />have 0.60 acres available for a septic system and this is not <br />suitable for septic system purposes. <br />Ardis Wright, owner of the property adjacent to this proposed lot, <br />wanted to go on record that they were opposed to this subdivision. <br />They have between 2-3 acres and were offended for not being <br />included on his list. <br />Jim White, 11130 20th St. Court, voiced his concern that the <br />subdivision would take a conforming parcel and create at least one <br />non -conforming lot size. He would like to go on record that this <br />subdivision would not conform to the lots adjacent to or <br />surrounding when one considers the drawing that Howell has <br />proposed.. <br />Jim Burns could carve out 0.6 acres out of his lot and would like <br />to come and split his too if Mr. Howell can. The Howells have <br />been good neighbors, but this can do potential harm and become a <br />dump site. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:27 P.M. <br />City Administrator Overby stated the three variances that would be <br />needed: 1. Lot Size, as each of the two proposed lots would be <br />substandard; 2. Septic System Area., as the new lot would have 0.60 <br />acres when 1.0 acre is required. and 3. Forego the platting <br />requirements for a subdivision described by metes and bounds. <br />The Planning Commission recommended that this subdivision request <br />be denied, based on the following_ findings: (a) it creates two <br />non -conforming lots; (b) it does not conform to the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan; (c) the area for the proposed septic system is <br />substandard in size; (d) there would likely be a problem with the <br />setback of the existing house from the new lot line. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong commented that the Howell lot is lovely and <br />the house on the top of the hill overlooking the lake is very <br />nice. She hates to see it ruined by setting a precedent by <br />putting a house in front of that one. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to deny the Simple Lot Subdivision <br />request by Leroy Howell at 2119 Lake Elmo Avenue based on the <br />Planning Commission's findings of 1-12-87 as stated and no <br />hardship was found. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Final Plat Approval: <br />Ken Sovereign, 4415 Olson Lake Trail <br />The City Council had approved the Preliminary Plat for Olson Lake <br />Addition at its meeting of 11-18-86. The approval of the <br />Preliminary Plat did include the granting of variances for lot <br />size and lake frontage requirements. City Engineer Bohrer <br />recommended approval of the final plat, subject to payment of any <br />