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01-20-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />outstanding pass-thru costs or park donation fees. <br />The Planning Commission recommended denial of the final plat at <br />its meeting of 1-12-87 based on the fact that Lot 1 is substandard <br />in size, that Lot 2 does not have the required 150 foot lake <br />frontage, and that the plat does not conform with the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Councilman Johnson stated that the City has to get out of the <br />business of granting variances which establish precedents that <br />historically come back to haunt the City in the future. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to adopt Resolution 87-17 granting Final <br />Plat Approval for Olson Lake Addition to Ken Sovereign at 4415 <br />Olson Lake Trail, that the lot appears to have two substantial <br />hardships, location of the house on Lot 2 and the alternate <br />drainfield on the other non -platted lot, which would prohibit us <br />altering either of the variances required; subject to payment of <br />any outstanding pass-thru costs or park donation fees. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Johnson voted for the motion only because he feels that <br />the City has legal problems if they deny it at this point; not <br />because he approved of the hardships or granting a variance on a <br />non -conforming lot. <br />7. CITY -ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Street light request: Guardian Angels Church <br />The Guardian Angels Church has requested that the City approve <br />installation of a standard -type street light at the intersection <br />of Guardian Angels Avenue and 4th Street. <br />The City's street lighting policy provides that the City will <br />provide street lighting if: <br />75 percent of the residents within 300 feet of the <br />proposed light petition the City for the lighting <br />and agree to pay the cost of installation; <br />or: <br />the Council may provide street lighting without a <br />request if it is, in their estimation, a matter of <br />public safety or welfare. <br />The Church is the only landowner to have asked for the light, <br />therefore the requirements for the petition have not been met. The <br />letter from the Church must be considered as a request, rather <br />than a petition. The Council has the discretion as to whether a <br />street light should be provided. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that the installation cost is <br />estimated by NSP to be $1300. The monthly rate for a standard <br />street light is $9.60. In a letter dated 1-7-87, Guardian Angels <br />Church asked if the installation fee could be reduced because <br />
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