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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />the amount of litter left on the lake and around the shoreline and <br />( asked if the City could provide some receptacles for the trash. <br />City Administrator Overby stated that motorized vehicles are not <br />allowed in any of the City Parks, and he would call it to the <br />attention of the Deputies to monitor this area more closely. <br />There is one trash barrel on the west side of Sunfish Lake which <br />is always full, but the maintenance crew could add one or two <br />trash barrels. Overby added that, technically, there is no <br />established public access from the City Park land to Sunfish Lake. <br />Another concern raised was the traffic problem and if anything <br />could be done with the State Transportation Dept. or could "No <br />Parking Signs" be posted in that area. Mayor Christ checked with <br />the Deputy Sheriff, and he reported that the vehicles are not <br />illegally parked along Sunfish. City Administrator Overby talked <br />to the Oakdale Mn/DOT office and they and the Deputy Sheriff <br />looked at the area. It would be logical to park along the <br />northside of the highway adjacent to the lake, but it was felt <br />that wouldobstructthe view for drivers coming around the curve. <br />This is why they posted "no parking" on the north side of TH5. <br />They considered putting "no parking" on both sides but thought <br />this would drive the cars onto Stillwater Lane and side streets <br />which could aggravate the problem. <br />Pat Riley, 10550 Stillwater Boulevard, stated that he has found <br />the trespass law to be urrfore-cab32 at this point because the <br />County Sheriff's Dept. has elected not to enforce it because of <br />the number of people. They have passed it on to the DNR to make a <br />determination about the 75 foot road right-of-way. Whether there <br />is access to the lake by the public because of the high water has <br />to be determined. (Amended 1-20-87 uninforecable) <br />Mrs. Thomas Hilpisch, 10732 Stillwater Boulevard, would be in <br />favor of installing a sign on her property directing the people to <br />the proper -access to the lake. City Administrator Overby answered <br />this done, but it would still fall back to an enforcement <br />question when people find they have to walk upwards to a mile to <br />get to the fishing area from the parking lot. <br />Chavez <br />Joe ChevLz stated that they are cutting down the flooded trees and <br />using this wood for fires. <br />City Administrator Overby will work with the City Attorney and the <br />Deputy Sheriff to determine if they should reroute the parking and <br />try to come up with a solution. <br />5. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING <br />A. Appointment to Fill City Council Vacancy <br />The election of Arlyn Christ as Mayor creates one vacancy on the <br />City Council. The City Council had to decide who should be <br />appointed to fill this City Council position for the remainder of <br />the 4-year term (expires 12-31-88). <br />