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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />City Administrator Overby had presented excerpts from Minnesota <br />Statutes which described the appointment process. The City <br />Council votes on the selection of a nominee. In case of a tie <br />vote among the City Councillors, "the Mayor shall make the <br />appointment". City Attorney Fritz Knaak advised that Mayor Christ <br />may vote with the three City Councillors, and then act as Mayor to <br />break a tie vote if necessary. <br />The following people were interviewed for the position: Richard <br />E. Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail; Fred Nazarian, 5450 Highlands <br />Trail N.; Barbara Haacke, 9280 55th St. N.; and Howard Michels, <br />8740 Stillwater Boulevard. <br />Councilman Graves felt that looking at the record within the <br />community, Howard Michels had demonstrated a committment to the <br />City by serving on the Planning Commission for eight years and as <br />Chairman for a couple of those years. He has the breadth of <br />knowledge of the issues confronting the City and had participated <br />in the 1979 Comprehensive Plan. His length of service and the <br />recent period in which he served speaks very well for him. <br />Councilman Moe added that Howard Michels is dedicated, fair, <br />honest and not one sided. He also felt that Fred Nazarian and <br />Barb Haacke looked at both sides of the issues. Moe noted that <br />Mr. Johnson had done a lot of travelling which has taken him out <br />of the action for some time. <br />Mayor Christ supported Richard Johnson because he has been active <br />in the community before any of the rest of the people there were <br />in the community. Christ felt that community involvement is <br />certainly meritorius, but you can stand up for the rights and <br />abilities in your community without being on the Planning <br />Commission, which is not the criteria here. Mr. Johnson was <br />extremely active on the Lake Jane Water problem, and he stood <br />behind the people on 36th and 37th Street when the Lake Jane <br />Landfill was found to be polluted. Johnson is genuinely concerned <br />about the environment and the future of the City of Lake Elmo. He <br />is a Tri-•Lakes resident and we need representation from that area <br />of the community. He is dedicated,, hard working, independent, <br />didn't support any candidate in the last, election and has the time <br />to devote to the job. <br />Councilman Graves felt there would be three out of the five <br />councilmembers from the Tri-Lakes area. Fred and Barb would be <br />from different portions of that area. On the other hand, Howard <br />Michels is from South of Hwy 5, close to Tablyn Park. He owns 40+ <br />acres and has the perspective for problems of people with some <br />acreage and would give a better representation of the community. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong felt that Richard Johnson shared the same <br />philosophical ideas as her, and she could probably work the best <br />with him. She felt that Johnson was effective in opposing the <br />Lake Jane Landfill before other people even realized the potential <br />problems of a landfill. He is a Chemical Engineer, lives near the <br />