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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />City Finance Director Marilyn Banister indicates that the current <br />depositories have provided good service to the City in 1986, and <br />she recommended continuing with these same six depositories in <br />1987. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to appoint State Bank of Lake Elmo, Washington <br />Federal Savings & Loan, Oak Park Heights Savings & Loan, American <br />National Bank of Saint Paul, Offerman and Company, Inc., and Juran <br />& Moody Company, Inc. as the City of Lake Elmo's official <br />depositories for 1987. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Designation of Legal Newspaper <br />The City's legal newspaper in 1986 was the Oakdale -Lake Elmo <br />Review. The City Staff felt that this paper gave them the widest <br />coverage of any paper in the Lake Elmo area, in part because most <br />City residents subscribe to it. Another service provided by the <br />Review at no cost is their printing of the City's newsletter <br />edition and inserting a copy of the City's biweekly newsletter in <br />its newspaper mailing. <br />Councilman Graves felt getting the word out to the community has <br />been a poorly done job. He suggested the telephone number of the <br />Lillie Newspaper should be inserted in the Newsletter in order to <br />obtain a blue newspaper box where the Lake Elmo Newsletter can be <br />delivered free. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to designate the Oakdale -Lake Elmo Review as <br />the City's official newspaper for 1987. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Appointment of City Consultants <br />City Administrator Overby recomended that the City Council <br />reappoint the following consultants for 1987: <br />City Engineer - Larry Bohrer, TKDA & Associates <br />City Planner - Rob Chelseth, Planning & Development Services. Inc. <br />City Attorney - Frederick W. Knaak, of the law firm of Rauenhorst, <br />Carlson & Knaak <br />City Prosecutor - Gregory J. Tavernier, of the law firm of Caswell <br />& Tavernier <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to appoint Larry Bohrer of TKDA as the <br />City Engineer for. 1987. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />City Administrator Overby informed the Council that Rob Chelseth <br />has requested a rate increase from $35/Hr. (which took effect <br />2/83) to $45/Hour. Prior to February of 1983, the rate was <br />$30/Hour. The reason for this request was his planning agency has <br />other business that takes him out of the state and if he was to <br />service Lake Elmo it would interrupt his regular clients and he <br />would need to change his fee. In 1986 we set aside more money <br />