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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />Lake Jane Landfill area and would be an asset to the community to <br />help fight this new landfill that is already determined as the <br />final site. <br />M/S/F Moe/Graves - to appoint Howard Michels to fill the City <br />Council vacancy. (Motion failed 2-2<Armstrong, Christ>). <br />M/S/F Armstrong/Christ -• to appoint Richard Johnson to fill the <br />City Council vacancy. (Motion failed 2-2<Graves, Moe>). <br />M/S/F Moe/Graves - to appoint Fred Nazarian to fill the City <br />Council vacancy. (Motion failed 2-2<Armstrong, Christ>). <br />M/S/F Graves/Moe - to appoint Barb Haacke to fill the City Council <br />vacancy. (Motion failed 2-2<Armstrong, Christ>). <br />Mayor Christ appointed Richard E. Johnson as the new City Council <br />member because he felt that Richard Johnson would be a tremendous <br />asset to the community by filling out the City Council vacancy. <br />City Administrator Overby administrated the oath of office to <br />Richard E. Johnson as the new City Council member and offered his <br />congratulations. <br />B. Election of Acting Mayor <br />Each year, the City Council must elect a Council member to be the <br />Acting Mayor when the Mayor is absent from a meeting. In the <br />past, the most senior Council member has generally been elected to <br />this position. With the election of Arlyn Christ to be Mayor, <br />Rosemary Armstrong becomes the senior City Councillor. <br />Based on last year's selection, Graves found this to be a <br />generalization rather than something the Council followed <br />religiously. <br />M/S/F Moe/Graves - to appoint Councilmember Charles Graves as <br />Acting Mayor during the absence of Mayor Christ. (Motion failed <br />2-3<Johnson, Christ, Armstrong>). <br />Mayor Christ felt the Acting Mayor should have some Council <br />experience prior to becomming Acting Mayor. Moe responded that <br />Chuck Graves had served as Chairman of the Planning Commission for <br />two years and is well qualified to be Acting Mayor. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Christ - to appoint Council member Rosemary <br />Armstrong as Acting Mayor during the absence of Mayor Christ. <br />(Motion carried 4-1<Moe>). <br />C. Appointment of Official Depositories <br />The City used six depositories in 1986 for placement of City funds <br />in a checking account, certificates of deposit for short-term <br />investments and bonds for long-term investments. <br />