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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 12 <br />excavation operations with the VBWD contractor and do the work at <br />the same time. The plan is to excavate their shoreline to create <br />a steeper slope to the water and therefore, reduce the amount of <br />horizontal fluctuation. The excavated material will either be <br />hauled away or used to create a wildlife island in the southeast <br />corner of the pond. Since Crombie Pond is a protected water, City <br />Shoreland Regulations apply. A City Shoreland permit is also <br />required. <br />The proposed work is allowed under Shoreland Regulations. Since <br />the excavated material will be hauled away or used to create an <br />island, there will be no loss of stormwater storage volume. <br />Bohrer had the following recommendations. 1.. The applicants <br />represent 4 out of the 9 property owners around Crombie Pond. 2. <br />Shoreland Regulations limit the maximum slope of the land to the <br />water at 6:1. 3. All disturbed area, including the island, should <br />be seeded and mulched as soon as possible after construction to <br />prevent erosion. b. Approval of a Shoreland Permit should be <br />conditioned on VBWD permit. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to table this application until the next <br />City Council meeting, which will be an informational meeting in <br />order to solicit comments from the other neighbors. (Motion <br />carried 5--0) . <br />C. CSAH 15 Project Plan - <br /> Herold, County Engineer <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that Washington County is planning <br />to reconstruct CSAH 15 (Manning Avenue) from the C&NW Railroad <br />tracks to loth Street. The County received preliminary layout <br />approval on December 2, 1986. They have now submitted plans for <br />the City's review and approval. Construction is planned for 1987. <br />The City will take over the maintenance of a portion of old <br />Manning Avenue two years after completion of new Manning Avenue. <br />Most of the new construction takes place in West Lakeland <br />Township, but that portion of Manning Avenue from Downs' Lake to <br />the C&NW Railroad tracks border Lake Elmo; therefore City approval <br />of the plans is required. <br />The impact to Lake Elmo is twofold: there will be a new <br />connection to connect old Manning Avenue which will become a city <br />street in two years and the segment will be upgraded in its <br />present location from Does lake to the railroad tracks. <br />Bohrer has reviewed the plans and finds them acceptable. He <br />recommended that the plans for CSAH 15 be approved, subject to <br />approval by the VBWD. The drainage computations are quite lengthy <br />and the VBWD has not yet completed their review. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution 87-25 giving final <br />plan approval to the CSAH 15 (Manning Avenue) reconstruction <br />project; subject to approval by the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />