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02-17-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-17-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 11 <br />safety investigation and prepared the final plans and special <br />provisions. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reviewed the proposed agreement between <br />MnDOT, the City of Lake Elmo and I.S.D. 83LI for the installation <br />of two school crossing beacons. The agreement provides for the <br />following: <br />1. The State will provide the beacon, poles, cabinettes, control <br />boxes, signs, and other hardware necessary for the installation. <br />2. The State will provide the plans, specifications, staking and <br />inspection. <br />3. The City and the School District must contract and pay for the <br />installation of the equipment, arrange for and pay any NSP <br />connection charges and pay for the monthly electrical usage. <br />4. The City and School District must provide the administration <br />of the construction contract, including the taking of bids, <br />awarding of bids, checking insurance requirements, and other <br />responsibilites. <br />5. The State will repair and maintain the beacon thereafter. <br />6. The agreement contains the standard "hold harmless" claims. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that the City execute the <br />agreement by resolution. <br />The City and School District will have to enter into a separate <br />agreement to divide the costs for installation, contract <br />administration and monthly power cost. MnDOT estimates the <br />Installation cost to be about $3,800 but adding a normal <br />contingency and contract administration costs could bring the <br />total to around $6,000. Previous discussion assumed the City and <br />School District would split this cost. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 87-24 approving the Hazard <br />Identification Beacon Agreement No. 63803M between Mn/DOT, ISD 834 <br />and the City of Lake Elmo for two beacons and school speed limit <br />signs. (Motion carried 5--0). <br />B. Protected Waters Permit: Crombie Pond <br />Wald, DeLapp, Janochoski and Erickson are parties that own <br />property on Crombie Pond. They have applied to the DNR for a <br />permit to excavate the shorela.nd of Crombie Pond to maintain a <br />more defined shoreline. The VBWD Project 1007 will provide an <br />outlet to the pond at elevation 918. The property owners are <br />concerned that with the outlet and other drainage improvements, <br />water level fluctuations will be more pronounced and create wide <br />areas of "mud flats" along their shoreline. The VBWD's contractor <br />may have to significantly lower Crombie Pond to do his necessary <br />storm sewer work. The applicants hope to coordinate their <br />
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