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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />The Water Safety Committee has finished its review of water safety <br />concerns of Lake Elmo. The following were their recommendations: <br />1. Direct a letter, which the Committee has drafted, to the <br />Washington County Board of Commissioners and the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Department requesting an increase in law enforcement <br />services. <br />2. If above request is refused, hire off -duty sheriff for <br />weekend enforcement, out of City funding. The committee felt you <br />can have all the rules you want, but they would not do any good if <br />you cannot enforce them. <br />3. Post critical regulations at Pierre's Landing. Mike Polehna <br />has offered to make that sign for $30.00. <br />4. Eliminate counter -clockwise regulation. <br />5. Mail a copy of the City and State regulations to all <br />adjoining Lakeshore owners of all City lakes. <br />It is the Water Safety Committee's understanding that the number <br />of boaters using the St. Croix River and Washington county lakes <br />has more than trippled in the last twenty years, but the sheriff's <br />department water patrol manpower level has remained the same as it <br />was twenty years ago and has not been adjusted accordingly. <br />The Council decided to delay the request of hiring an off -duty <br />sheriff for weekend enforcement, out of City funds until deemed <br />necessary. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to send a letter to the Washington County Board <br />of Commissioners recommending that they provide the necessary <br />funding/manpower, at least on weekends, in order to provide for a <br />safe environment, direct the City Administrator to set up a public <br />hearing for the elimination of the counter --clockwise regulation, <br />and post critical regulations atPierre'_s Landing and at the city's <br />convenience mail a copy of the City and State regulations to all <br />adjoining lakeshore owners of all City lakes. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mayor Christ- thanked Gary Horning and the Water Safety Committee <br />for taking time to come up with the recommendations. <br />B. Landfill Update- Dan Novak <br />Dan Novak informed the City Council that the legislation has been <br />drafted and they do expect to meet with Senator Laidig and <br />Representative McPherson to review this draft and discuss <br />strategies. A workshop with the County Board of Commissioners <br />will be held on Monday, March 2nd at 5:30 in the City Council <br />chambers. Even though the Council had approved a request to <br />allocate $2500 for hiring a geololgist, Novak and Williams have <br />found a. shortcut for getting the same type of information from the <br />Minnesota Geological Survey as soon as if they were to hire their <br />