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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />own hydro -geologist. City Administrator Overby requested a report <br />from Doug Thomas of the Soil and Water Conservation District, on <br />analysis of the Regional Park landfill soils suitability. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to set up a joint meeting between the Lake Elmo <br />City Council and the Washington County Board of Commissioners for <br />Monday, March 2nd, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. in the Lake Elmo City Council <br />Chambers. (Motion carried 5•-0). <br />C. Landfill Consultant Request for Proposals <br />City Administrator Overby explained this is a request to the <br />Washington County Board for authorizing issuance of the Request <br />for Proposals advertises for bids from consultants to conduct the <br />landfill environmental assessment and scoping process. The County <br />Board has postponed its consideration of this subject until the <br />day after its joint meeting with the Lake Elmo City Council on <br />March 2, 1987. <br />6. PLANNING. LAND USE. AND ZONING <br />A. Hanson CUP Amendment and Variances <br />This application was considered at the February 3, 1987 City <br />Council meeting. The City Council tabled its decision on this <br />application until this meeting. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to remove from the table the Hanson CUP <br />amendment and variance request. (Motion carried 5•-0). <br />The following are the variance requests: <br />a. variance for size and number of accessory buildings. <br />b. variance to minimum lot size. <br />c. variance to front yard setback for accessory buildings in <br />Residential Zoning Districts. <br />Councilman Graves reaffirmed the willingness_ of the Hansons to <br />move the proposed location of the building closer to the front of <br />the existing building, which would eliminate one of the variances <br />that is required. <br />Mayor Christ recapped that there was some consideration given at <br />the last meeting about putting this building up would make a fine <br />interim use. He does not see this as a hardship or a <br />consideration. If the City wanted lots of that size or areas in <br />the City to have interim uses, it would be in our code and it is <br />not. <br />Mr. Pat Farrell, attorney representing the Hansons, explained that <br />the State law very clearly states the ordinance in itself can be a <br />hardship and this is a classic case of the ordinance itself being <br />a hardship. The Council is suggesting to the Hansons to buy more <br />