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LAKE EUD CITY COUNCIL MIN MS FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 9 <br />handicapped facilities. Knaak's conclusion was that unless a <br />dangerous condition exists, which is a finding by the Building <br />Official, the City cannot require construction because the <br />existing conditions are grandfathered in. If, on the other hand, <br />a permit is given for any reason whatsoever, the City can <br />condition whatever other requirements it imposes and also insist <br />that any additional handicapped access the code requires be <br />provided. Mayor Christ summed it up that the code states that a <br />handicapped facility doesn't necessarily have to be upgraded <br />unless further improvements are being contemplated. <br />Dan Krawczyk, Cimarron Park Manager, agreed that the sprinkling <br />schedule would be done in the evenings between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. <br />The mowing will start from the outer perimeter Monday thru Friday <br />not reaching the homes before 7 a.m. on the inner perimeter. On <br />Saturday and Sunday the mowing will not reach the inner perimeter <br />until 8:00 a.m. Year-end report on all claims and their <br />disposition for Council review had not be received previously, but <br />Dan stated he was now aware of this condition in the CUP. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-23 granting a <br />conditional use permit to Cimarron Park for a Public Golf Course <br />in the R-3 zoning District from January 1, 1987 ru December 31, <br />1987; subject to the additional conditions of moyling from the <br />outer perimeter Monday t-hru Friday not reaching the homes before <br />7:00 a.m and not until 8:00 a.m. on weekends, and watering from <br />sunset to sunrise. (Motion carried 5--0). <br />D. Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition - Request to Proceed <br />with Preliminary Plat Review Under the Old RR Zoning <br />Cluster Provisions <br />Don Bishop is requesting approval of a 13-lot cluster development <br />under the old Rural Residential cluster development zoning <br />provision. The old provisions allowed 1.5 to 2.09 acre lots up to <br />7 per 40 acres along with transfer of housing densities. Lake <br />Elmo Heights First Addition was approved in this fashion. <br />However, it was found that concept plan approval for Phase II was <br />never given by the City. Therefore this plat proposal should <br />comply with the new R-R cluster provisions adopted 11-18-86 (4 per <br />40 acres, 5 to 7 acre lot, no housing density transfer, etc.). <br />John Stibbe, attorney representing Don Bishi.op, sent a letter to <br />the Lake Elmo City Council dated February 13, 1987 stating that <br />after reviewing the Lake Elmo City Council minutes for the <br />meetings involving Lake Elmo Heights, he had found the minutes of <br />August 20, 1985, indicating that preliminary plat approval was <br />given for a cluster development on the entire 145 acre site. They <br />felt the minutes indicated that the 145 acre site was discussed <br />and it was given preliminary plat approval. Stibbe suggested the <br />August 20, 1985 minutes be amended because the motion did not <br />reflect the intent of the discussion. Also, a copy of a letter <br />written by Donald Raleigh, Attorney at Lawson, Raleigh, and <br />Marshall, to the City Administrator on March. 4, 1986 was attached <br />and reiterated the fact that the Lake Elmo Heights subdivision <br />