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LAKE ELM) CITY COUNCIL PUNUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 10 <br />received the preliminary approval and requested that Mr. Overby <br />contact Mr. Raleigh If the information contained in the letter was <br />incorrect. This letter was not answered by the City staff because <br />it was answered verbally. <br />Mayor Christ and former Councilman Mazzara expressed that they <br />never got any inclination that the developer didn't intend to do <br />what they are proposing right- now. Their understanding was it was <br />a good faith bargaining agreement where they were talking about a <br />25 lot cluster development encompassing 145 acres. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to table for two weeks for further <br />information to be considered by City Attorney Knaak. (Motion <br />carried. 4-•l<Moe>). <br />M/S/P Moe/Armstrong - to remove off the table for additional <br />testimony. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Dan Novak, who served on the Planning Commision when this <br />application was submitted, stated that at no time prior to the <br />moratorium was consideration given, either on the part of Don <br />Bishop or the City Council, to preliminary concept approval or <br />preliminary plat approval for Phases II and III. The original <br />request was for a rezoning from RR to R1 of 79 acres (35 lots) <br />which was denied by the Council on March l9th. After that failed, <br />Mr. Bishop asked for and was granted preliminary concept approval <br />for Phase I, to be developed to RR zoning ordinances. A chronology <br />of the minutes was presented to the Council. (See Appendix A). <br />City Attorney Knaak was not comfortable in making a factual <br />determination based on the information before him and suggested <br />tabling this for further investigation. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to table this request for two weeks for a <br />more factual determination by City Attorney Knaak for further <br />investigation of additional information. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Planned Unit Development General Concept Plan: <br />Interstate Freeway Service Center Co. 15 & I-94; <br />Erickson Diversified Corporation. <br />Erickson Diversified Corporation requested to be taken off of the <br />February 17, 1.987 agenda and be added to the March 3, 1987 City <br />Council meeting. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Agreement for School Crossing Beacon <br />The need for a flashing beacon to help warn motorists of the <br />school crossing on Highway 5 has been an ongoing concern of the <br />residents, Planning Commission and City Council. In 1986, the <br />City Council directed the City staff to coordinate the study and <br />preparation work needed to obtain approval for two flashing <br />beacons and installation of same. Mn/DOT conducted a school zone <br />