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02-03-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-03-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />Commission was because of Moe's accusation that he had not <br />obtained a building permit for a tool shed. (Dunn provided a copy <br />of this building permit dated January 9, 1984). Dunn further <br />questioned Moe on his statement to the paper that he could not <br />support Dunn's appointment because it was similar to the majority <br />of the current Planning Commission members, and because of his <br />"integrity". Dunn challenged Moe's concern for integrity as he <br />felt Moe (and Gaves) used extortion or blackmail to keep him off <br />of the Planning Commission. Moe replied that he did not know what <br />extortion meant and asked. Dunn if he gave him any money or <br />promised him anything if this was considered blackmail. <br />Dunn elaborated by saying that Graves approached Christ before the <br />meeting and told him Moe had some very damaging information on <br />Dunn that he was going to bring up that would reflect on. Dunn's <br />ability to hold office on the Planning Commission. Graves told <br />Christ that this information might reflect negatively on Dunn and <br />Christ should have the opportunity to discuss with Dunn whether or <br />not he wanted to pursue a seat on the Planning Commission. Graves <br />also indicated to Christ at this time that he was aware that <br />Christ would not support Fred Nazarian from the Planning <br />Commission, and that Graves would ask Nazarian to withdraw his <br />candidacy for the Planning Commission and Christ should do the <br />same with Dunn. <br />Dunn further questioned the validity of the Resolution he received <br />from the City thanking him for his years of service to the <br />community since Graves and Moe both voted for the resolution and <br />then publicly questioned his integrity. Dunn suggested that the <br />City adopt a code of conduct governing city officials. He feels <br />that when citizens volunteer for city service they should not be <br />chastized or subjected to blackmail. He feels that if a council <br />member has a problem with an individual or particular violation, <br />they should follow the established process. <br />Graves asked if this code of conduct would include the type of <br />questionning the Mayor had of Fred. Nazarian at the previous <br />meetinng. Dunn responded that if Naza,rian had any complaints <br />about what was said he too had the right to bring them up under <br />public inquiries. <br />Christ publically apologized to Fred Nazarian and stated he will <br />also do this to Nazarian in person, and stated he supported the <br />code of conduct legislation. Moe proceeded to apologize to Dunn <br />for the builling permit inquiry stating that if Christ can do it <br />so can he. <br />Armstrong stated that she made the initial call to the newspaper <br />as a public official as she felt thwre was unfounded accusations <br />indicative of blackmail which were used to keep a. potential <br />candidate (Dunn) off of the Planning Commission. She agrees with <br />a code of conduct for officials and suggested the city attorney <br />set the ground rules for this code. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to direct City Administrator Overby in <br />
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