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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />conjunction with the City Attorney to set the groundwork for a <br />code of conduct for City Council officials. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />5. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING <br />A. Candidate Landfill Site - Dan Novak & Todd Williams <br />Dan Novak and Todd Williams gave an update on the progress of the <br />city's efforts to oppose the proposed landfill site located in the <br />Regional Park. The site is one of eight remaining proposed <br />landfill sites on the Metropolitan Council's inventory list, and <br />Is one of two sites targeted in regional parkland. The Lake Elmo <br />site is the only site on the east side of the Metro Area. The <br />proposed opening date for the Lake Elmo site is 1993, according to <br />the Met Council's Solid Waste Management Policy Plan. Currently, <br />the County is at the request for proposal for the environmental <br />assessment worksheet (EAW) stage in the siting process. This is <br />followed by the environmental impact statement (EIS) scheduled to <br />be completed in early to mid 1988. If the EIS identifies no <br />problems, the site is then permitted by the MPCA. They have been <br />told that, although it is unlikely, it is possible that the Lake <br />Elmo site would go on line in as little as two years. <br />Novak identified two actions that, without any effort from the <br />Council or the Lake Elmo citizens, could cause the site to fall <br />off the list. 1. Environmental Impact Statement; 2. Permit <br />applications are currently under consideration for expansion of <br />the Flying Cloud and Anoka site which could eliminate the need for <br />any of the 8 proposed sites. <br />Novak added that there are restrictive convenants that exist on <br />all parcels of land purchased for the Regional Park by Washington <br />County. The restrictive convenants state that the land shall be <br />used for no other purposes. However, there is a stipulation that <br />Washington County has to initiate the request to the Met Council <br />and then the Met Council would not have any problem approving it. <br />Williams and Novak requested the use of the Lake Elmo newsletter <br />for dissemination of information and soliciting help. Also, a <br />request was made for recognition by the Council of a citizen <br />advisory committee which would consist of Williams, Novak, the <br />ABLE Organization and Tablyn Park residents. They would like to <br />use the City Council chambers on Sunday nights for meetings. <br />Mayor Christ complimented Novak and Williams for doing an <br />incredible job in getting information. The consensus.- of the <br />Council was in favor of all requests. A special council meeting <br />will be held. on Sunday at 7 p.m. in the council chambers and will <br />include information on the landfill site and strategies to explore <br />in the city's attempts to disqualify it. <br />Dave Morgan informed the Council that he serves on the County <br />Landfill Selection Committee and he has heard nothing from the <br />County nor has he had any meetings. In his research lie has found <br />