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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 7, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />testimony. Chairman Munger stated he would request the MPCA do a <br />study of how the site remained on the inventory list. <br />The Washington County EAW & EIS process had to have all the quotes in <br />by last Friday (April 3) for the proposal for the Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet. This is scheduled to begin May 8th and the Lake <br />Elmo Citizens Advisory Committee wants to be involved during this <br />process and has contacted Washington County and they will be able to <br />monitor this. Zack Hansen, Washington County, has requested that the <br />City as well as the Citizens Advisory Committee draft a letter to <br />Charles Swanson, Washington County Administrator, copying Fred <br />Anderson and Zack Hansen, requesting the involvement of the Lake Elmo <br />Citizen's Advisory Committee on the worksheet. <br />Novak felt the reason they were heard before the Senate Sub -committee <br />and the House Full -Committee was because of the involvement of the <br />number (approx. 80) of people in the audience which was a real credit <br />to those people. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to direct City Administrator Bob Overby to write a <br />letter requesting the involvement of the Lake Elmo Citizen's Advisory <br />Committee on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />7. Public Hearing: Request for variance to allow horses on an <br />undersized Rural Residential zoned lot; 5760 Kirkwood Ave. N.; <br />Terry & Mary Arnesen <br />Acting Mayor Armstrong opened up the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in <br />the City Council chambers. <br />Dick Ackerson from Edina Realty represented Terry and Mary Arnesen, <br />vets at Stillwater Clinic, who wish to keep up to two horses on a 5.9 <br />acre rural residential lot. A purchase agreement was drawn up on <br />February 13, 1987 between the Swansons and the Arnesens. This <br />agreement is subject to the Arnesens being allowed to keep two horses <br />at 5760 Kirkwood Ave. N. <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />a. That public notice was duly sent and published. <br />b. That Section 301.130N.4 Hazards and Nuisances states no domestic <br />animals, livestock or kennels shall be placed on any site <br />of less than ten (10) acres. <br />C. That the Hardship given was the Arnesens have been unable <br />to purchase land surrounding this parcel. <br />d. That the Hardship given was the purchase agreement was <br />drawn up on February, 1987 and now there is a signficant <br />difference in their finances because the housing industry <br />has had a flip in the interest rates. <br />e. That economic consideration alone cannot serve as the basis <br />