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04-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-07-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 7, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />Bill Boylan, 50th St., asked what is the status of the proposal to <br />pave 47th and 50th Street. Acting Mayor Armstrong answered that we <br />were waiting for approval by the state agency on the 35 mph curve at <br />Kimbro Avenue and 43rd Street. This project has not been ordered. <br />As a concerned citizen, Mr. Boylan conveyed his displeasure and dismay <br />on the Council denial of the Erickson Freeway Service Center <br />application. He had no financial gain in this proposal, but hoped in <br />the future the Council would reconsider such applications. <br />6. Landfill Project Update <br />Dan Novak introduced Linda Ramirez as the treasurer of the Lake Elmo <br />Landfill Citizen's Advisory Committee. Linda explained the committee <br />was well aware of what the landfill expenses were and gave a brief <br />explanation on the landfill photos and expenses. <br />Dan Novak stated he underestimated the cost of the visual aids and <br />asked if the amount could be extended. If the bill passes out of the <br />full Senate, they would have to deal with lobbying the entire full <br />Senate and the House. This would involve 140 summary sheets at an <br />estimated cost of $2.00 each which would add up to $300. A remote <br />control switch was purchased for a slde projector for $21, and $100 <br />was spent on miscellaneous items. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to allow up to $1500 (total) for spending by the <br />Lake Elmo Landfill Citizen's Committee to fight the proposed landfill. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />Representative Willard Munger who chairs the House Full Committee on <br />Environmental and Natural Resources does not prefer the exclusion of <br />regional par], land as proposed landfill sites. He does not advocate a <br />solution to this because if this bill passes onto the floor, there <br />will be amendments tacked on for prime ag land and historical sites. <br />Munger is a strong ally although he does not believe the legislative <br />process is the solution. Rep. Munger had staff person Ann Glumac <br />request the MPCA, Met Council and Washington County to officially <br />establish the siting process which will be in a non-public meeting. <br />On March 22 the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Subcommittee <br />heard testimony on legislation which would prohibit a landfill in a <br />Regional Park. After considerable discussion Senator Gene Merriam <br />added an amendment requiring counties to locate an alternative site if <br />park sites were excluded. Senator Gregg Dahl also added an amendment <br />to the bill excluding landfill sites adjacent to current landfills. <br />The amended bill passed unanimously moving on to he Full Senate <br />committee. <br />On March 31st the House of Representatives Environment and Natural <br />Resources Committee heard testimony on the bill. The House Committee <br />Chairman Willard Munger would not call for a vote, as the legislation <br />in his words was "too controversial;", but he did want to hear the <br />
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