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05-19-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-19-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 19, 1987 page 2 <br />Dan Novak reported the current financial situation at $1038.47. This <br />figure is less that the figure reported at the May 5th City Council <br />meeting. Dan will check with Linda Ramirez on these figures. <br />Feelers have been put out for an attorney and quotes will be received. <br />Todd Williams felt regardless of the respogse from the Met Council and <br />the MPCA, it is time to take a good long look at what our options are. <br />They felt the City would do well with professional advice. City <br />Attorney Knaak has requested that he sit down with the Citizen's <br />Advisory Committee to determine exactly what their progress has been <br />on this matter and what role precisely they expect the City to play. <br />The City Council thought this was an approprate course of action at <br />this time. <br />During the summer months, the Citizens Advisory Commiittee meetings <br />will be held on Sunday at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />5. Charitable Gambling License Exemption <br />The Society of Military Engineers wants to hold a bingo event (approx. <br />2 1/2 hours) as one of their activities for a gathering of their group <br />on June 26, 1987 at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong had talked to the Charitable Gambling Board and <br />if a non-profit organization has less than five events in a year, they <br />do not need to get a license. All that is required is a letter <br />written which includes the details of the event. <br />In the City's Charitable Gambling ordinance under 1104.020-Charitable <br />Gambling Permitted, there are typing errors in the Section numbers. <br />The City Adminstrator will look into this. Also, Bingo is not <br />specified as an activity. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to take a second look at the Section numbers <br />listed in 1104.020 in our Charitable Gambling ordinance and make sure <br />they are correct. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING <br />A. Shoreland Permit: Thomas Brown, 8265 Hidden Bay Ct. <br />Mr. Thomas Brown, 8265 Hidden Bay Trail, proposes to construct an <br />addition onto his home which is adjacent to Deer Pond. Shoreland <br />Regulations apply. The addition consists of a living room on the <br />upper floor and a recreation room with a whirlpool on the lower floor. <br />It appers that no variances are required and since no bedrooms are <br />added, no evaluation of the septic system is required. The DNR had no <br />objections to this permit application. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that the Shoreland Permit be granted <br />because there are no variances required, but the applicant should be <br />aware that a whirlpool may place an additional load on the drainfield. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to grant the Shoreland Permit for the proposed <br />
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