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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 19, 1987 page 3 <br />addition to the Thomas Brown residence at 8265 Hidden Bay Trail. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: for variance to setback from NOHW; <br />Shoreland Permit - Alex and Stephanie Kovalchuk, <br />2976 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Kovalchuk, 2976 Lake Elmo Avenue, wants to build an <br />addition to their house on the lakeside of the property which abuts <br />Lake Elmo. <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />1. Public notice was duly published and sent. <br />2. There was no one to speak for or against the application. <br />3. That the addition is proposed to be 65 feet from the NOHW <br />of Lake Elmo (elevation 886) where 100 feet is required. <br />4. That the existing house is presently about 75 feet from the <br />NOHW at its closest point and the garage is only about <br />32 feet from the NOHW. A variance would be required for this <br />addition. <br />5. That the addition will be a family room which will not <br />generate any additional sewage load. The setic system was <br />replaced under the 201 Program and is adequate for the house. <br />6. That the floor of the addition will be well above the 100-year <br />flood elevation. <br />7. That the hardship is the only workable site is the west or <br />the south and it appears to be no difference between the two. <br />This site is the most compatible with the house and the <br />lay of the lake. <br />Mr. Kovalchuk felt the site of the addition was the most practical and <br />.least objectionable. Mrs. Kovalchuk stated that she found it <br />objectionable for her family of six members to eat at the dining room <br />table for every meal. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br />- City Engieer Bohrer stated thst it appeared from the drawing that the <br />setbacks would be virtually the same if the addition were made on the <br />southside or the lake side. <br />j Mayor Christ pointed out the fact that lake elevation will be <br />controlled to 884 feet so there will be significantly more lakeshore. <br />