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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 9 <br />on Cty Rd. 17 where a radar system can be used all the time, not on a <br />rotating basis. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong commented that it's great to have a new working <br />radar system, but she has talked to Attorney Blondin who said that the <br />Lake Elmo Deputies are not showing up in Court, and then the cases are <br />dismissed. So even with new radar it doesn't do much good if they <br />don't follow through and show up in court. Deputy Swanson stated he <br />personnally has made all court dates and would make sure his partner <br />will follow through. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to authorize the purchase of the Kustom SP10+ <br />radar system in the amount of $1600. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. City Assessor's Contract Renewal <br />City Assessor Frank Langer was hired by the City in July of 1986. His <br />current charge for service is $3.96 per tax parcel. <br />Frank is requesting renewal of his contract for the period July 1, <br />1987 thru June 30, 1988 and approval of a new per parcel rate of <br />$4.25. <br />City Administrator Overby reported that the actual contract expenses <br />are paid out after January 1, 1988 so the contract renewal poses no <br />problem for this year's budget. <br />The percentage increase amounts to 7.3%, but Frank had pointed out <br />that he has been charging other cities in Washington County the $4.25 <br />rate already. He also noted that the County's rate will likely go <br />from the current rate of $4.40 per parcel to $4.70 so the new rate of <br />$4.25 still represents a savings of cost to the City. <br />Mayor Christ stated that a year ago Frank came to the Council and <br />offer them 10 percent under the county's rate. It was decided to keep <br />Frank at his current rate until the County takes action to raise their <br />rate, so when they go up Lake Elmo will automatically go up as well, <br />but still remaining 10 percent under their rate. This would be <br />consistent with the conditions that Frank was acceptable to a year <br />ago. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to offer to extend Frank Langer's City <br />Assessor's Contract with Lake Elmo from July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988 <br />on a per parcel assessment service charge basis set at 10 percent less <br />than that charged by Washington County. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Equipment Trailer for Public Works Department <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger explained that there has been a need <br />for an equipment trailer in his department for a long time. For the <br />past 2 1/2 years, the maintenance crew has been using a trailer <br />belonging to Carl Olinger at no charge. However, this is no longer a <br />awe situation. <br />Olinger recommended the R2026 trailer, $4200, because it has a nice <br />