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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />roadways. The Existing MSAS route is shown as a collector roadway <br />which corresponds with 8820.0700 Subp 3A. "--functionally classified <br />as collector --on the urban municipality's functional plan--." The <br />43rd Street route is not so designated and is shown as a local street. <br />Bohrer suggested the city consider amending the map which so refers to <br />43rd Street in the comprehensive plan and then perhaps they would <br />review our request more favorably. This amendment will be placed on <br />the Planning Commission's agenda at the earliest possible meeting. <br />Bohrer will have a report ready for the July 7th council meeting <br />regarding the actual design of the paving project. He will look at <br />the whole map to see if other roads need to be reclassified. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to amend the Planning Commission's work plan to <br />put at top priority redesignating 43rd Street as a collector roadway <br />and undesignating 50th Street as a collector roadway to be addresed at <br />the earliest possible meeting for purposes of MSA. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. 1986 Audit Report <br />The City's consulting auditor (Voto, Tautges, Redparth & Co. Ltd) has <br />issued its reports on the 1986 City of Lake Elmo budget. <br />1. Annual Financial Budget <br />2. Single Audit Report <br />3. Management Report and Recommendations <br />4. Legal Compliance Report <br />Finance Director Banister is willing to attend a meeting and discuss <br />the budget wth the City Council. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to accept the 1986 City Budget Audit report <br />as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Replacement of Radar on Sheriff's Car <br />Deputy Gary Swanson explained that in 1981 the City entered into an <br />agreement with the Sheriffs Dept. where they came up with a program <br />for all the contract agents to participate as they wish to do so. The <br />Sheriff's Dept. does not have enough radar so that every patrol car <br />has a radar unit so, they have to be rotated in and out of each car. <br />The radar we have now is approximately 7 years old and the life <br />expectancy of a system is 5 years so they are asking the City to <br />replace the radar system. If this system is sent in to be fixed it <br />will cost more to fix it than the machine is worth. This machine would <br />be traded in for a new machine. <br />machines meet all the current specifications of the National Bureau of <br />Standards. Swanson added that with all the road construction and <br />closing of roads, the traffic level has tripled and the speed doubled <br />