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06-16-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />5. Public Inquiry: Water Levels on Lake Elmo, <br />Jane Eisele, 3141 Klondike Avenue <br />John Eisele stated that although Lake Elmo will be maintained at 884.5 <br />feet after the 509 Plan is completed, the lake is currently seven <br />inches below 884.0. This drop in water level has caused the lakefront <br />in the shallow bay where they live to turn into kneedeep muck which <br />prohibits swimming and boating. <br />Jean Eisele added that as the water level drops so drops property <br />value and the quality of life on the lake. When they bought their <br />property in 1978 it was lakeshore. Today, they can't even get to the <br />lake and they were prime lake users. They pay high taxes to live on <br />the lake and suggested the city compensate by lowering taxes and ask <br />the VBWD to dig channels to provide lake access and clean yp the <br />property. Although a petition against the lowering of the lake was <br />signed by many residents, they had not known what the lowering of Lake <br />Elmo would do to them. John Eisele added that the 509 Plan was <br />catastrophic to their property and we're paying $2000 in 509 <br />assessments to lose our lakeshore property. <br />Mrs. Eisele stated that the lake's clay type bottom creates a fine <br />dust when dried which blows across the lake to make the water milky <br />white. <br />Jerry and Sharon Kromschroeder asked the Council to find a way to make <br />them lakeshore people again. <br />Willard Griffin, 2835 Lake Elmo Avenue N., said he has lived on -the <br />lake since 1941 and has experienced the lake rising and lowering many <br />times over the years. He was in favor of letting the lake go its <br />natural way. <br />The City Council will individually view the damaged properties and <br />bring the matter up for discussion at the July 7th council meeting. <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance on Lot Size in the Shoreland <br />District; Shoreland Permit; Cudd/Tumulty. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />This is the second application for variances for lot size, basement <br />and drainfield elevation to appear before the City Council on this <br />lot. The first request was heard at the October 2, 1984 City Council <br />meeting. These minutes indicated that a variance for lot size and a <br />variance for building elevation (897.0 required by the City and 895.0 <br />required by VBWD) was granted, but the Council conditioned the <br />variance for the drainfield upon receipt of the soils tests and the <br />The applicant (Steve Howell) never built the home and the lot was old <br />to the Tumulty's. The Tumulty's are now asking for a greater variance <br />
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