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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />than what was already granted. They would like the basement elevation <br />at 891.0. The drainfield would remain at the previously approved <br />894.0. <br />Michael Thompson, Charles Cudd Co., was present to request the <br />variance for lot size, basement elevation and drainfield elevation for <br />Lot 8 in Eden Park 2nd Application. Bohrer pointed out that the <br />difference in this application is primarily the basement elevation. <br />The elevation that is requested is 891.0. On Downs Lake, the 100 year <br />flood elevation as calculated by the VBWD is 894.0. Our Shoreland <br />Ordinance states that the minimum building elevation shall be 3 feet <br />above the 100 year flood, which would make it 897.0. The 100 year <br />flood level has been re-evaluated in Eden Park with new information as <br />being 894.0. Bohrer stated he would be concerned with a basement <br />elevation of 891.0 because Downs Lake has reached 891.0 or above even <br />this past year. The lake has been up to 894.0 and stayed there for a <br />while. Therefore, there are concerns for property damage to the <br />basement in the form of seepage and even though living quarters are <br />not planned now for the basement, there is nothing to prevent a <br />homeowner from finishing the basement later. <br />Margorie Williams, Vice -Chair of the Planning Commission, voiced <br />concern on the amount of water flowing into the pond on Peter Durand's <br />property which flows into the pond beyond Legion Pond and perhaps goes <br />into Downs Lake. The amount of water flowing through Eden Park was <br />brought up when the Planning Commission was discussing another <br />preliminary plat by Eden Parks residents who had water problems. <br />Mr. Thompson stated that their engineers determined the main level of <br />the two homes adjacent to the site and they are within two -tenths of a <br />foot or a couple of inches of each other. Having to drop this home in <br />order to keep it in the ground that is there would put it about 2 1/2 <br />feet lower than the homes on either side and still 6 1/2 feet above <br />the street in front. They are attemtping to try to esthetically have <br />a home fit into the neighborhood. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. <br />Mayor Christ stated that the Council would be doing the City a great <br />injustice if they granted a variance that would be 3 feet below the <br />high water mark that exists today and he would strongly oppose this <br />request. <br />Councilman Chuck Graves agreed with Mayor Christ and could not see any <br />hardship demonstrated that would require that they grant a variance. <br />They would be opening themselves and the potential future owners to <br />potential problems. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong hated to see someone move into a new home and <br />be in trouble immediately with unusable septic systems. <br />Councilman Johnson would be opposed to the elevation requested because <br />of the chance it would be flooded. <br />