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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE .11 <br />PUMP to 883.5 <br />r� T. Direct Cost <br />1. Gen. Rent <br />2. Fuel (11 days) <br />3. Misc. <br />B. Indirect Cost <br />1. Set Up <br />2. Fueling & Maint. <br />3. Take down & Cleanup <br />C. Engineer <br />$1875 <br />850 <br />500 <br />$3225 <br />800 <br />330 <br />800 <br />$1930 <br />250+ <br />$5450 <br />(+ Engineering costs would be added to this figure that have already <br />been incurred). <br />Bohrer explained that Department of Natural Resources regulations <br />dictate that the control elevation of a landlocked lake be no more <br />than 1.5 feet below the ordinary high water mark which for Legion is <br />885. Pumping to 882 would involve a lengthy permit application <br />process -as well as a public hearing and a drainage plan to be <br />submitted to the DNR. Pumping to 883.5 would require no public <br />hearing and would be easy to initiate. <br />Bohrer also explained that fifty percent of the costs of the temporary <br />- pumping could be paid through a DNR grant designed to fund emergency <br />±flood relief projects. City Administrator Overby stated that if <br />approved the project could draw $3000 to $5000 in DNR grant money, on <br />a matching basis with local funding. <br />Mayor Christ suggested that Bohrer could initate the permit process <br />I for pumping to 883.5 at the same time applying for the permit to pump <br />,.,to 882 and amend the DNR grant application accordingly if the more <br />„ lengthy project is approved. A petition from residents to initiate <br />the puming could waive the assessment hearing and speed up the <br />,process. <br />E1 <br />- Some of the residents were in favor of temporary pumping. Dan <br />=+Collyard felt it was either all or nothing; a temporary solution would <br />'do him no good. Collyard and Rod Toft considered it a waste of money <br />and time because the pond will rise again due to the high water table <br />and its relationship with other area lakes. <br />a <br />eM/S/P Johnson/Graves - to dirct the City Engineer to proceed in <br />?obtaining a DNR permit for a temporary pumping to 883.5 and to reapply <br />-.-'for matching funds available (up to $10,000: $5000 local and $5000 <br />,DNR) and that the City proceed with the project only if we get a grant <br />for a unanimous petition from residents to do the work and not to go <br />further unless we get one or the other. Also direct the City Engineer <br />{to amend the permit to pump down to 882.0 and authorize $200 in <br />expenses for the engineering cost on a municipal drainage plan. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to set up a public hearing for a temporary <br />pumping project to 883.5 for July 7th City Council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />