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i <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE .12 <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Parks Commission Report <br />The Parks Commission has ben discussing since January the possibility <br />of the City receiving private funds to help build a new skiing -hiking <br />trail at Sunfish Park. <br />The private money is available from two sources: <br />A (a) $500.00 donation as a personal memorial <br />(b) $500.00 donation from the North Star Ski Club <br />3 The private funding is contingent upon: a matching contribution <br />($1,000) from the City, and allowing a plaque or sign to be erected on <br />the memorial trail. There is funding available in the Parks budget <br />for this project. <br />M/S/P Moe/Armstrong - to approve spending of $1000 for new park trails <br />6 in Sunfish Park. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Parks Commission toured Sunfish Park and found hundreds of trees <br />needed to be cut down with chainsaws and a stump grinder may be needed <br />due to damage done by the VBWD pumping. They estimated a cost of <br />$5000 for'work on new trails. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Administrator to contact VBWD to <br />see if we should get initial bids for damage of Sunfish Park. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />The Parks Commission approved the purchase of a Windscreen for Tablyn <br />Park at a cost of $610.60 at their May 4th meeting. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to approve the purchase of a windscreen for Tablyn <br />Park at a cost of $610.60. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Metro East. Development <br />'�V14 Mayor Christ reported that at the Metro East Development breakfast <br />J�j^, they were shown videos and articles in newspapers indicating their <br />involvement. Christ could not see where our city would benefit from <br />their involvement. <br />C. Building Official <br />The City Council discussed the intention by City of Mahtomedi to hire <br />its own full-time Building Official. The City Administrator advised <br />•the City Council that there are currently no openings with area cities <br />�,: or townships that could share Jim's services. The City Council <br />decided to opt for a full-time position, based on the amount of work <br />tasks that Jim could take on (e.g. Fire Marshal inspection of septic <br />systems, more detailed Conditional Use Permit inspections). <br />