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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PACE 2 <br />1 3. City Administrator's Work Evaluation <br />The Council had received an informational report from the City <br />Administrator prior to this meeting. <br />Mayor Christ started the discussion by pointing out that he felt the <br />1986 City Council had provided direction to the City Administrator and <br />that. the Administrator should advise the Council --not vice -versa. He <br />i added that there have been several instancesinregard to the new City <br />Hall where nobody has gotten the little things done (eg: signs) and <br />that these items indicated that. the City Administrator should spend <br />more time making sure that the work gets done. <br />Councillor Armstrong also felt that some requests had not been <br />-j followed up on within a reasonable time. She also indicated that <br />there have been cases where the services of the City Attorney were not <br />needed (eg: drafting resolutions). <br />3 <br />City Administrator Overby responded that this was true in some cases, <br />but that sometimes the City Attorney is the proper person to draft the <br />more complicated resolutions or permits. <br />a <br />The City Administrator responded that he could certainly spend more <br />time in this area of following up on things that need to get done than <br />he has been up to now. It requires that he spend less time working on <br />other tasks, or that some other work tasks be delegated to another <br />staffperson. <br />i ,.-,.-The Administrator_ pointed out that he has been concentrating his <br />-�effor.ts on the high -priority work areas up to now, as noted in the <br />background information provided to the Council for the meeting. <br />However, there still has not been enough time during a regular work <br />iday to get all of these duties accomplished. The best example of this <br />is the work remaining to update Chapter 5 of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />{as well as make some other changes required by the Metro Council. <br />*.This work will have to be done after hours, or a part-time planner <br />'will have to be hired. Otherwise, it is possible that this work will <br />inot get completed in 1987. <br />e <br />The City Council responded that there was no intention of its even <br />considering a request to hire more staff, and that the City <br />Administrator should not bring this request before them again. <br />.i <br />.!The City Council also felt that there has to be some progress shown on <br />+the above issues within the next two months, before the Council can <br />discuss extending or renewing the City Administrator's contract. A <br />previous suggestion to extend the contract for six months to the end <br />,iof 1987 was not favored by the Council. <br />IThe City Administrator agreed to make a special effort to prevent the <br />(lack of communication or coordination between staff from getting work <br />(tasks completed. Weekly and/or monthly reports will be considered as <br />!part of this effort. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe -• to adjourn the special City Council meeting at 7:05 P.M. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />