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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />( received a memo from the Governor asking to expedite efforts to work <br />with them. <br />On Tuesday, June 9, at 2:00 p.m. Todd will be making a presentation to <br />the Metro Solid Waste Advisory Committee. <br />On Wednesday, June 10, at 8 p.m. they will be meeting with Zack Hansen <br />in the City Council chambers. The purpose of the meeting is to <br />discuss what the EAW is supposed to do. Zack Hansen will be bringing <br />a representative from the Donohue firm. <br />Also on Wednesday, June 3rd, Todd and Dan will be meeting with Bob <br />Overby and City Attorney Knaak to go over Fritz's assessments of the <br />documentation that has been given him. <br />Dan and Todd will look into the committee's expenses and report back <br />at the next meeting. <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Variances to Allow an <br />Alternate Conditonal Use Permit in the Agricultural <br />Zoning District; Howard Gelb, 11490 Hudson Blvd. <br />Mayor Arlyn Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. <br />Howard Helb appeared before the City Council on May 5, 1987 to request <br />rezoning to GB or an Agriculture Alternate Uses CUP. The Council <br />adopted Resolution 87-28 granting the Alternate Uses"CUP contingent <br />upon the City Council granting the necessary variances, and contingent <br />upon upgrading of the two septic systems. <br />Mr. Gelb is requesting three variances: <br />1. Variance to allow alternate conditional use on a 5-acre <br />site where 1.5 acres per 40 acres is allowed. <br />2. Variance to allow alternate conditional uses where the <br />landowner is not the owner and operator of the non- <br />agricultural uses and does not reside on the <br />continguous real estate. <br />3. Variance to allow alternate conditional uses in an <br />existing non-agricultural style building, with <br />existing signs and existing lighting. <br />Notice was duly sent and published. There was no one there to speak <br />for or against the variances. <br />Councilman Graves stated he had no problem with the operation, but <br />felt it was significantly compromising the intent of the Alternate Ag <br />Uses. Graves suggested identifying it for what it is and address it <br />that way and leave it like that. The City is losing the intent of the <br />purpose and is setting a gross variation precedent and felt we will be <br />faced with this in the future. <br />