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06-02-87 Special CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-87 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />CouncilwomanArmstrong did not favor putting this in General Business <br />which 'would be in the center of Ag land. This would be spotzoning. <br />Councilman Moe felt if it was zoned GB/I there would be no need for <br />variances. Mr. Gelb would rather have I or GB zoning because it would <br />be easier to secure financing. <br />Mayor Christ pointed out that there was no proper planning when the <br />building went up in the 1960's. The City is giving him the <br />opportunity to make an economic gain, but will control it to a point <br />where the most desirable uses go in that area. <br />Councilman Johnson also pointed out that they would be coming in on an <br />annual review. Mr. Gelb assured them that the City would know when <br />there was a change in tenants and this would be subject to the <br />approval by the City Staff. <br />Mr Gelb asked if there would be any problem expanding the parking <br />area. Bohrer felt it would be reasonable to expand the parking on the <br />north side. As long as the parking was not located on the drainfield, <br />Bohrer had no other concerns. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to grant Howard Gelb, 11490 Hudson Blvd. the <br />following variances which are necessary for granting the Alternate <br />Uses CUP. (Motion carried 3-2<Graves, Moe>). <br />1. Variance to allow alternate conditional use on a <br />5-acre site where 1.5 acres per 40 acres is allowed, <br />with the drainfield and sewer system for the uses are <br />considered exceptions. <br />2. Variance to allow alternate conditional uses were the <br />landowner is not the owner and operator of the <br />non-agricultural uses and does not reside on the <br />contiguous real estate. <br />3. Variance to allow alternate conditional uses in an <br />existing non-agricultural style building, with <br />existing signs and existing lighting and no <br />expansion of the building. <br />B. Preliminary Plat Approval: Springborn's Green Acres <br />Second Addition <br />The Planning Commmission considered this plat on May 11, 1987 and <br />,recommended Council approval contingent upon the two conditions noted <br />'in the City Engineer's review letter of April 24, 1987. The developer <br />'now has proposed putting in an urban type street as required by City <br />Engineering standards. There also was a question about suitable soils <br />..on Lot 1, Block 1 to allow two drainfields. <br />).4 <br />The City Engineer has reviewed the soil boring information which <br />indicates that suitable soils for septic systems exist. <br />
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