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06-02-87 Special CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-87 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />more soil borings than any other development in the city. <br />Planning Commission Chairman Steve DeLapp referred to cluster <br />-� development in the code. The cluster development is defined as to <br />- provide the means to preserve (not save) good agricultural land, open <br />space, scenic views and other desirable features of natural <br />environment. DeLapp felt that putting a road all the way through <br />there for financial benefit of a person in the future would get this <br />clustering eliminated. So it is completely at odds with the purpose <br />of why clustering is allowed in the first place. <br />Mayor Christ stated that there was 375 feet more blacktop than really <br />necessary. <br />Bruce Folz felt it made more sense to have the developer pay for <br />putting the road through and the people should be able to landscape <br />the yards and know what it is going to look like instead of having to <br />come back later and have to construct the road and tear up their front <br />yards. Folz felt the soils in the outlot are not economically <br />feasible. The sanitary lift station is at the northwest corner of the <br />property today. <br />s Steve DeLapp stated that most of the land in the City is zoned RR. By <br />listening to the discussion, it sounded to him that it was felt RR was <br />a holding zone for R=1. <br />City Administrator Overby explained how the RR zoning was considered. <br />If they felt RR was a transitional zone from large lot to smaller lots <br />on the balance of the property, that would be reflected in the City's <br />comprehensive plan. It does not show those areas that are now zoned RR <br />as changing, but are shown on the future land use map as continuing as <br />RR zoning. The plan does not interpret it as a transitional zone. <br />Folz stated when he was on the Planning Commission this type of land <br />use was always an interim land use. Whatever the timeframe, Folz felt <br />r4 the City will not end up with all the open land, but have to allow <br />places for people to live. To him, thinking that this land will stay <br />-'permanently as a 90 acre tract is folly. <br />Al Councilman Moe stated that when he got on the Planning Commission in <br />q 1980,.he was told that RR was an interim use by the people on the <br />Planning Commission. He felt that no matter if it was zoned Ag or RR, <br />j it still is an interim use because eventually it will change. <br />—A potential buyer of Lot 2, Block 1, (2.2 acres) spoke up that he <br />t would like the cul-de-sac to go all the way to the west end of the <br />property because his house would be facing north and the garage would <br />be on the west side of the house. He does not want to come in two <br />years from now. and be assessed for blacktopping a road that the <br />w developer was willing to put in. <br />_ Another prospective buyer from Maplewood, and potential neighbor of <br />)-Lot 2, Block 1, stated that Mr. Bishop has in good faith done <br />everything that the City has asked them to do. He asked the Council to <br />exercise their power to allow this to be granted so that everybody can <br />get on with their business, <br />
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