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06-02-87 Special CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-87 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE <br />y�• M/S/P Moe/Armstrong - to approve the preliminary plat for Springborn's <br />Green Acres Second Additon as presented; subject to the lot lines <br />being moved 50 feet to the north in order to get one acre for septic <br />system on one lot. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mayor Christ was unsure about an urban street here. He also pointed <br />out that because the City Attorney seemed to think that the 1978 PUD <br />could not be denied that this was a good example of why PUD's should <br />not be allowed. <br />.ai <br />C. Preliminary Plat Approval: Lake Elmo Heights <br />Second Addition <br />n..q <br />Don Bishop is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for 13 lots in <br />phase two of the Lake Elmo Heights Cluster Development subdivision. <br />The City Engineer's letter of 4-24-87 raised the following concerns: <br />(a) Lot size for two lots exceeds the 2.0 acre maximum, unless <br />the NSP powerline easement area is not included. <br />(b) 27th Street North is a cul-de-sac which exceeds the 800 foot <br />+ maximum allowed by code. The City Council could allow the <br />cul-de-sac if it is considered to be temporary. If 27th Street <br />is not considered temporary, then a variance is needed to allow <br />the cul-de-sac to be approved in excess of 800 feet as part <br />of this plat. <br />(c) Only 2 of the 13 Lots appeared to have at least one acre of <br />land suitable for septic drainfields. <br />The letter of May 15, 1987 from the City Engineer indicated that: <br />(a) There is sufficient area available (about 10,000 sq.ft.) on <br />each of the 13 lots to provide for two separate and distinct <br />drainfield sites. However, it appears that the minimum 1 acre <br />requirement has not been met. Based on this analysis, a <br />variance would be needed to allow approval of the 13-lot plat <br />with less than 1 acre for the two drainfield sites on 11 of <br />the lots. <br />'Because of the limited area tested on each lot, the City Engineer <br />provided a detailed lot -by -lot description of how and where septic <br />,drainfields should be installed. <br />A <br />Bruce Folz reported that their Soil Scientist Roger Johnson had taken <br />-five soil borings and two perk tests on each lot, tested 10,000 sq.ft. <br />-and documented everything very carefully. This information was given <br />-,to City Engineer Bohrer. Folz added that he had measured the areas <br />--and every one of the lots have one acre or more of unrestricted soils <br />•or less than 30 percent. Folz emphasized that 1/4 acre is enough land <br />area sufficient for two drainfield systems. He felt it was <br />unreasonable to ask him to take more soil borings. He has done the <br />majority of the developments in the City, and this development has <br />
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