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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 11 <br />E. School Crossing Light Update <br />City Administrator Overby had talked to School District Business <br />Manager, Dan Parker, who said the school board is staying with their <br />position that the original figure of $4,000 is the local share to be <br />divided between the City and the school district. They thought this <br />was a locked in estimate rather than a preliminary figure. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the plans and specs are done and <br />are ready to be advertised. An electrical contractor will be the one <br />who will bid the work. MnDOT will furnish the materials <br />free -of -charge. Bohrer estimated the cost would be closer to <br />$5000-$6000 total cost. <br />- Councilman Johnson felt it should be pointed out the addition to the <br />school has been approved with the assistance of the City and there are <br />more students in the school and there is additional traffic which <br />increases the urgency of this issue. <br />- The consensus of the City Council was to have the City Administrator <br />write a letter to the school district stating this is what has been <br />done and impress upon them we are this close and all we need is their <br />final answer to continue. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adjourn the City Council meeting at 10:55 p.m. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />