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07-21-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-21-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 10 <br />Deputy Clerk Mary Kueffner has called several roofing contractors <br />since April in an attempt to get other bids. There has been no <br />response from any of the contractors who were called. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to accept the bid from Bernie Meyer, Superyor <br />Contracting of $2885.00 to repair the roof of the old City hall. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Policy on Striping of Local Streets <br />Scotty Lyall has requested that the city reinstate its former practice <br />of painting stripes down the centerline of local neighborhood streets, <br />particularly in the Hidden Bay area because the street is very narrow <br />and the overhang is dangerous. The City did stripe the streets in <br />past years, but then discontinued the practice. Only the City's main <br />collector streets are paint -striped. <br />Dan Olinger estimated the cost to be $185 (between the paint and 1 hr. <br />of County time) for striping of the Hidden Bay area. <br />Councilman Graves would be in favor of striping and removal of the <br />overhang on Hidden Bay becasue of the liability for personal injuries <br />against the City for not maintaining the streets properly. Graves and <br />Johnson suggested a petition be brought in indicating that the <br />residents are in favor of this and would like to see something done. <br />City Administrator Overby will report back at the next meeting on what <br />the City policy is on whose reponsibility is it for removal of the <br />overhang. The cost will be checked into and a survey will made on <br />other residential streets throughout the City to see if there are <br />other areas that would require the same type of attention. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that usually local streets and 30 mph <br />and below are not striped. Maybe with the width of the road and <br />curbing would be enough to warrant striping. <br />D. Firetruck <br />Fire Chief Fran Pott reported that the chassis and body were ordered <br />and the chassis has been delivered to Luverne Fire Apparatus in <br />Luverne, MN where they will attach the fire body onto the chassis. <br />As a result with conversations with Luverene Fire Apparatus, three <br />change orders have been recommended which are: (1) extend front <br />compartments 16" to 18" to pump panel and provide double doors in <br />place of single doors--$950; (2) roll -out battery tray which includes <br />moving air tank and all necessary replumbing--$315; (3) hinged <br />aluminum treadplate cover for crosslay hose beds--$165. Luverne Fire <br />Apparatus Company will still be the low bidder even with these <br />changes. <br />7-7-87 from Luverne Fire Apparatus Company, Inc., as reported by Fire <br />Chief Fran Pott; but not to exceed $1,430 total. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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