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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />Ed Stevens, 10133 47th St. N., suggested that if the proposal goes <br />through as planned, the City Engineer should contact Larry Foote of <br />the Department of Transportation who has looked at the area, for <br />advise on how to construct the road in such a way to preserve the <br />trees. Also, coming from the east the land is somewhat low, but at <br />the Wahl driveway there is a rise which makes it difficult to see <br />when he pulls out of his driveway. Bohrer responded that when they <br />designed this road one of the criteria they used is to make sure there <br />is adequate site distance over hills or around curbs. Bohrer is aware <br />of the hill right by the Wahl driveway and it would be extended out <br />and the site distance will be improved. <br />Bev Rieks, 4564 Kimbro Avenue, asked because their access is on Kimbro <br />Avenue does that mean they would be assessed on 47th Street. Bohrer <br />responded that if they assess them once on 47th Street the parcel on <br />Kimbro Avenue, if ever approved, would not be assessed again, but the <br />parcel across the street probably would be because it is a second <br />parcel separated by a road. The City Council's peference is to <br />designate the southern route as a Municipal State Aid street. <br />Presently, the northern route is a MSA street and the City is in the <br />process of requesting the switch. If the switch is approved by the <br />Dept. of Transportation, then the City Council's intent would be to <br />pursue upgrading this also. <br />Rieks added that there seems to be considerable effort to go around <br />these trees and asked if there would be additional cost for this <br />effort. Bohrer responded that all construction items are eligible for <br />state aid reimbursement so this does not figure into the assessments. <br />Rieks felt we should give equal consideration to Sullwold's farm land <br />which he uses as a livelihood as we are to Stevens' oak trees. <br />Gilbert Sullwold, 10190 47th Street, stated the road should stay on <br />the sectionline. <br />Mayor Christ pointed out the City Council is trying to provide for as <br />little disruption of the esthetics that exist today and to remove <br />trees seems to be a waste even though it requires some land to the <br />north for which the City is willing to pay. A half an acre at fair <br />market value out of 100 plus acres is a small price to pay. <br />Bob Johnson, 10323 47th Street, stated he was tired of eating dust. <br />"One shouldn't have anything less than a Sherman tank because the road <br />is not fit to drive on". <br />Gaileen Smith, 10550 50th Street, asked what type of curb will be put <br />up. Bohrer answered that the curb would be a 6-inch height concrete <br />curb. Through the driveway it would drop down and there would only be <br />a lip about an inch high and a gutter will be there to hold the water. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that when the easements have been granted <br />to make this official, it would mean that the two Stevens' trees that <br />are protected will probably end up on a City easement or City <br />right-of-way. If somebody does hit these trees, the ownership of the <br />