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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />trees are the problems of the City. <br />Planning Commission member David Johnson stated it doesn't make sense <br />to reroute the road for two oak trees when a few years later oak wilt <br />or lightning may take these trees out. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong commented that Beverly Rieks' letter of March <br />to the City stated they would remit assessments in advance (on 47th, <br />Kimbro and 43rd) of the Green Acre policy providing their total <br />assessment does not exceed $2000. Armstrong asked if this wording <br />covers the City to collect the assessment money, because she did not <br />like to see a cap on it. Mrs. Rieks stated she would write another <br />letter making it clear they intend to remit total payment in advance. <br />Mayor Christ recapped that the Council had directed the City Engineer <br />to get the road in this year without losing those trees. The proposal <br />came in and is workable with taking a minimal 1/2 acre of land out of <br />100 plus acres, which is an acceptable condition, and he was in favor <br />of this proposal. <br />Councilman Graves agreed with Mayor Christ thata a long as we have <br />confidence that the City Engineer and Highway Dept. both agree that by <br />putting curbing in around the trees on Ed Stevens' property does <br />provide a safe situation, he would concur and feels it is a worthwhile <br />program and we should move ahead with it. <br />Councilman Johnson commented that it is not unusual for a City to own <br />trees along roadways and does not think the City's liability is any <br />greater becasue the trees are on City property. He favors the road <br />improvements and ordered the City to go ahead with the project at full <br />speed. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong asked for safety reasons if some sort of <br />reflectors could be put around the trees. City Engineer Bohrer <br />thought reflectors could be possible. Armstrong felt this was a good <br />project and a good compromise and would be in favor of it. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that they eventually will need a permit <br />for this construction from the VBWD as we have obtained permits for <br />other road improvements and it should be routine. We have verbal <br />approval in concept from MnDOT because they do not officially approve <br />it until they have finished plans before them. <br />adopt Resolution 87-44 (amended 8-4-87) <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve the street improvements on 47th <br />Street between Keats Avenue and Kimbro Avenue as proposed in the City <br />Engineer's feasibility report of July 16, 1987 to be so ordered. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. Preliminary Plat: Tartan Meadows 3rd Addition <br />Carl Peterson gave a short presentation stating Tartan Meadows 3rd <br />