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07-21-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-21-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />Leslie Davis of Earth Protector organization invited the Committee to <br />work with other organization comparable to theirs throughout the metro <br />area. A meeting has been set up for Thursday, July 23rd, at the <br />Holiday Inn. Davis would like to consolidate these organizations so <br />they could have more political influence. <br />5. Update from Beeman Place, Debbie Sheets, Director <br />Director Debbie Sheets gave an update of Beeman Place which is almost <br />two years old and is the only home for adult people with mental <br />illness problems in Washington County. Beeman Place has the capacity <br />for 15 residents with an age range of 18-35 and with an equal number <br />of male and females. A smoking room has been added which decreases <br />tension between the smokers and non-smokers. There are 8.6 (2 of which <br />are administrative) full time people staffing the house 7 days a week <br />24 hrs a day. There is usually double coverage or more between hours <br />of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Director and Program Director are always on <br />call. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong has attended some of the informational meetings <br />and found it to be a very structured organization and very well run. <br />Councilman Johnson stated he has not received one negative report <br />regarding Beeman Place. <br />City Engineer Bohrer had comments made to him about parking and asked <br />if there are enough off-street parking or is this someone's preference <br />that they park on the street. Debbie responded that most of the time <br />there is enough parking. When the people want to play basketball, <br />they move the cars out to the street. When they have interviews or <br />speakers, they are unaware of no parking on the streets. <br />Debbie urges people to call her with questions or concerns they may <br />have. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Grading, Gravel Based Construction <br />and Bituminous Surfacing Improvements--47th Street <br />(Keats to Kimbro) <br />Pursuant to published notice, Mayor Arlyn Christ opened up the public <br />hearing at 7:55 p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />City Engineer Bohrer gave a presentation for proposed improvements on <br />47th Street between Keats Avenue and Kimbro Avenue by grading, gravel <br />base construction and bituminous surfacing. The estimated cost of such <br />improvement is $138,000.00. There are seven property owners invovled <br />in this proposed improvement, Sullwold on the North, Reiks, Johnson, <br />Wahl, Stevens abutting the South, and Pechan and Hartman to the South <br />which gain their access from 47th Street. This improvement is being <br />proposed as part of the City's ten year Municipal State Aid <br />Improvement Plan. This road is a MSA road which means it functions <br />more than just a local street. It is a collector type street and <br />Refering to a diagram, Bohrer pointed out that the travelled roadway <br />
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