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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 7 <br />Addition is a 37.5 acre development proposed at the NE quadrant of <br />CSAH 17 and Co. 70. The developer/owner is Willard Morton. <br />The preliminary plat public hearing was held on June 22, 1987 and <br />action on the request was tabled by the Planning Commission until the <br />grading plan revision and drainage computations noted in the City <br />Engineer's letter of June 19, 1987 have been addressed and resolved. <br />The requested information was submitted to the City and reviewed by <br />the City Engineer who recommended in a review letter dated July 13, <br />1987 that the preliminary plat be given favorable review by the <br />Planning Commission. The Planning Commission voted on July 13, 1987 <br />to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary plat, and <br />noted the points raised by the City Engineer's letter of June 19th in <br />regard to the buildability on lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1 may not be <br />able to be determined for drainfield purposes until the fill settles <br />and percolation tests can be run and also the comment about the <br />lowered grade on 11th Street and 12th Street cul-de-sacs. <br />Councilman Graves asked if these lots still have one acre of area <br />suitable for drainfield and Peterson agreed that they do have one acre <br />which meets the requirements. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that once the grading plan is approved, <br />generally there are specifications for that grading work, a security <br />deposit is made and the work can begin. Bohrer also recommended that <br />they apply for their VBWD permit. Mr. Petrson answered that they have <br />already talked to them. <br />-M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to approve the preliminary plat for Tartan <br />Meadows 3rd Addition at the NE quadrant of CSAH 17 (Lake Elmo Avenue) <br />and Co. 70 (10th Street). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Hammes Mining CUP Review <br />The City Council discussed on June 16, 1987 the progress made by <br />Hammes Mining in resolving the code/CUP violations identified in <br />previous site visits and reports by Building Official James McNamara. <br />The City Council decided to allow 30 more days (until July 15, 1987) <br />for the Hammes Mining to do the following: <br />1. Finish placing the blue house on a permanent foundation <br />that meets the building code. <br />2. Complete grooming of the farm yard to the satisfaction -of <br />the Building Official. <br />3. Erect a berm or screening to shield equipment and <br />miscellaneous items located south of the barn from <br />direct view by traffic on Co. Rd. 19. An alternative <br />to berming or screening is to remove the items not <br />allowed by the CUP or Lake Elmo code from view of <br />passers-by on County 19. <br />The Building Official inspected the Hammes property and stated his <br />