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07-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-07-87 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 Page 10 <br />M/ Moe/ That the City Council strongly censor Steve DeLapp for the <br />inappropriate action he has taken without any authority from the City <br />Council. (Motion failed for the lack of a second). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Christ - To commend Steve DeLapp for the fine work <br />that he has done for the City; that he goes above and beyond the call <br />of duty, and he has done a fine job for the City. (Motion carried 4-1 <br /><Moe> ) <br />Graves stated that he felt it is good to inform our neighboring <br />communities of proposals before the City of Lake Elmo, but has a <br />concern that it is inappropriate (and whether Mr. DeLapp did or did <br />not do this he does not know, and we will probably never know) for <br />anybody to try and sell proposals that are in Lake Elmo to our <br />neighboring communities. Graves feels we can use this issue as <br />guidance in the future, and suggested that the City Administrator be <br />used as a clearing house for this type of inter -community contact. <br />Graves feels we should utilize the City Administrator - that is one of <br />his functions, to act as coordinator of the day-to-day activities of <br />the City. <br />The City Attorney emphasized that if there is to be a lesson learned <br />from this, it is that communications dealing with zoning matters - <br />within the City or outside the City, should be in writing. <br />Armstrong congratulated DeLapp for doing things right and for <br />becomming very effective in the community. She feels he must be doing <br />something right because he has become the subject of another smear <br />tactic - the same type of smear tactic which was used against her <br />husband by Mike Mazzara for an alledged illegal business on their <br />farm, and also by Moe against Bruce Dunn for an allegedly not having a <br />building permit. Trying to discredit people by scurrilous <br />accusations, and threatening to go to the Newspaper with this if it <br />wasn't brought up at the meeting tonight. I think we have said once <br />and for all, this is not going to happen in this City. <br />Dan Novak spoke as a friend of DeLapp's, as a former Planning <br />Commission member and as a concerned citizen. Since DeLapp's <br />appointment to the Planning Commission, he has been a significant <br />contributor as a volunteer in the construction of the new city hall <br />and the revision of the Comprehensive Plan. Novak added that his <br />reaction to Moe's attempt to publically humiliate and intimidate a <br />community volunteer and friend is unethical, unprofessional, <br />inappropriate and unnecessary for a council meeting. He resents this <br />attempt to publicly hang out our dirty laundry without first making an <br />attempt to resolve this issue at the lowest level, and is personally <br />embarrassed for the City for this (Moe's) conduct. The need for a <br />code of conduct for the city was identified 6 to 8 months ago and <br />Novak would like to see that code removed from the back burner and made <br />a priority. This issue reeks of a political nature. <br />Moe stated that when speaking with the Mayor on the telephone, he <br />asked if this issue should be handled administratively or executively. <br />Christ stated that Moe said he wanted to bring it up before the <br />
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